Temperature, pressure, and fluid compositions that prevailed during metamorphism of pelites and calc-silicates from staurolite and kyanite zone rocks of the Mica Creek area, British Columbia, have been estimated from an electron microprobe study of mineral equilibria. Temperatures estimated from Fe-Mg distribution between garnet and biotite range from 570° to 640°C and are generally consistent with temperatures estimated from coexisting calcite and dolomite in nearby rocks. Pressure estimates based on garnet-plagioclase-kyanite-quartz equilibria range systematically from 6 to 8.5 kbar. These estimates are consistent with the geological cross section, which suggests an increase in the depth of structural level exposed from south to north in the study area. Fluid compositions estimated from paragonite-quartz-albite-kyanite equilibria from the metapelites are dominated by H2O, and fluid compositions estimated for calc-silicates have XCO2 >XH2O. Calc-silicates formed at carbonate-pelite contacts appear to have equilibrated at temperatures near 610°C and XCO2 near 0.25.

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