Schreyerite, a new vanadium titanium oxide with the composition (V0.93Cr0.06Al0.01)2Ti3O9 giving idealized V2Ti3O9, is described from the K wale District, south of Voi, Kenya. The ore mineral occurs as exsolution lamellae and particles in rutile coexisting with kyanite, sillimanite, tourmaline, and kornerupine in a highly metamorphosed gneiss. The reflectivity of schreyerite is 21 percent, and the microhardness after Knoop is 1100–1200 kp/mm2. The d values of 4.075 (m), 3.381 (m), 2.874 (s), 2.737 (vs), and 2.432 (w) suggest a direct analogy to an Andersson phase (Cr0.85Fe0.15)2Ti3O9 with a monoclinic unit cell.
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