where WH,Ab and WH,Or are the Margules parameters for the enthalpy of K-Na mixing and are equivalent Lo 7.474 and 4.ll7 kcal/mol, respectively.
This series of feldspars has a topochemically monoclinic, relatively disordered Al-Si distribution. Comparison of the enthalpy of K-Na mixing for these feldspars with that of a microcline-low albite series of feldspars (Waldbaum and Robie, l97l) having a topochemically triclinic, relatively ordered Al-Si distribution shows that WH,Ab > WH,Or for both; however WH,Ab and WH,Or are 1.8 and 1.0 kcal/mol less, respectively, for the (monoclinic) disordered series than for the (triclinic) ordered feldspars, probably due to a reduction in the strain associated with K-Na substitution in the less dense, disordered feldspar series