Na-rich scapolite (Me20.1 to Me24.2) is the most abundant mineral filling veins near the roof of an epizonal quartz monzodiorite stock. No veins enter the wall rock. Small amounts of diopside, magnetite, sphene, calcite, chalcopyrite, apatite, quartz, and heulandite accompany the scapolite, which probably crystallized in open joints in a pneumatolytic-hydrothermal environment. For a scapolite of composition Me20.1a = 12.059(1) and c = 7.583(1)Å. Measured refractive indices are ω = 1.550, € = 1.542 for Me20.1 and ω = 1.551, € = 1.543 for Me24.2. Density is 2.575 g/cm3. Refractive index gives the best chemical composition value.

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