The absorption spectrum of synthetic (Mg0.9Ni0.1)2SiO4 has been determined at room temperature in the energy range 5000-50,00O cm-1. The observed absorption bands are assigned to crystal field transitions of Ni2+ in the two nonequivalSSent cation sites of olivine. On the basis of the two-site assignment, the calculated values of the spectral parameters Dq and B are:

M870 cm−1 900 cm−1 
M768 cm−1 882 cm−1 
M870 cm−1 900 cm−1 
M768 cm−1 882 cm−1 

The d-orbital energy levels of Ni2+ in the distorted cation polyhedra have been calculated using the point charge method of Wood and Strens (1972). Good agreement between calculated and observed positions of the non-degenerate 3A23T2, transitions result.

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