A general introduction emphasizes the strong interactions between mineralogy and related sciences, and the need for cooperative programs among the various mineralogical groups.

To provide maximum access to the literature, the bulk of lunar rock types are classified into ANT, FETI, and KREEP groups. The Anorthositic-Noritic-Troctolitic compositions mostly occur as metabreccias, and are believed to come from the crust. The basalts rich in Fe and Ti result from late lava flows in mare basins. The KREEPsuite of basaltic compositions occurs mostly as glasses and metabreccias rich in K, REE, P, and other large-ion elements; it probably results from a late liquid in primary differentiation of the Moon, or partial melting of ANT rocks, or both. Some lunar rocks are hybrids formed by melting of soils. Metamorphism is widespread. Minor rock types include peridotite, spinel allivalite and troctolite, and other fragments containing Mg-rich minerals. G ranitic material occurs rarely. Minor meteoritic fragments occur.

Major mineral groups are pyroxene, feldspar, olivine, spinel, pseudobrookite (armalcolites), silica (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite), Fe-rich types (iron, troilite, ilmenite), phosphates (apatite, whitlockite), and Zr-minerals (zircon, baddeleyite). Minor silicates include pyroxfer-roite, amphibole, garnet, and tranquillityite. Minor sulfides are mackinawite, pentlandite, cubanite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. Minor oxides are rutile and corundum. Minor metals include copper, brass, and tin. A Zr-rich mineral is either zirkelite or zirconolite. Schreibersite, cohenite, and niningerite probably derive from iron meteorites. Rusty areas probably consist of goethite perhaps associated with hematite and magnetite; presence of Cl suggests possible terrestrial oxidation of meteoritic lawrencite.

Important features of feldspars are: mostly calcic plagioclase, but rare K,Ba-feldspar in residua; correlation of Mg,Fe,K, and Na with rock type giving test of differentiation models; Eu anomaly depends on temperature, oxidation state, etc; solid-solution of Ca(Mg,Fe)Si3O8 in FETI plagioclase; exsolution of pyroxene, silica, and Fe in ANT plagioclase.

Important features of olivines are: correlation of mg [= atomic Mg/(Mg + Fe)] with rock type giving test of differentiation models; Ca may distinguish volcanic from plutonic environment; Cr enters as divalent ion, and may provide guide to oxidation state; Mg,Fe ordering of some olivines indicates long annealing; melt inclusions give magma composition; high A1 in some olivines may correlate with spinel exsolution; melt inclusions give magma composition.

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