The crystal structure of a synthetic Sr feldspar with vacancies on the alkali cation site has been refined in space group C2/m using 3-D counter diffractometer data and full-matrix least-squares methods. The chemical composition of the feldspar is Sr0.84Na0.03□0.13A1 rid=1.03Si2.29O8, with cell parameters a = 8.3282(8) Å, b = 12.9801(12), c = 7.1358(6), β = 115.599(3)°. The weights, 1/σ2, were used throughout the refinement and the final weighted R-factor for 1193 non-equivalent reflections was 4.0 percent. The average Al/Si distribution over the T1 and T2 sites determined by least-squares refinement are 0.48(8)Al and 0.39(8)A1, respectively.
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