The intensity of Compton-scattered WLαc X-rays may be used to estimate mass absorption coefficients (μ) analogous to Reynolds’ (1963) method for MoKαc radiation. This procedure depends on removal of two interfering sources of radiation: (1) Rayleigh-scattered WLα X-rays at 1.476 Å may be eliminated by use of a Ni filter (absorption edge = 1.488 Å). (2) Fluorescent Nikβ radiation generated in any Ni-bearing rock occurs at the same wavelength (1.500 Å) as the WLαc peak. The constant relative intensity of Nikα and NiKβ permits determination of an empirical correction factor (independent of sample Ni content) for this interference. Application of these procedures with a linear calibration curve (μ vs WLαc intensity) generally yields a μ. within 5 percent of that calculated from chemical composition.