Reevesite, having the formula [Ni16.69 Fe2+0.83 Mg0.41 Co0.07] Fe3+6.00 (OH)48 (CO3)3·12H2O, has been found in the nickel ore from the Bon Accord area in the Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa. The mineral occurs in druses as minute hexagonal platelets. It is moderate greenish yellow, has ω = 1.72, ϵ'(≃ϵ) = 1.63, and a measured specific gravity of 2.87. Forty-eight d-spacings obtained by X-ray diffraction have been indexed according to a hexagonal unit cell with a = 6.164 ± 0.003 Å and c = 45.54 ±0.02 Å. The infrared spectrum of the reevesite corresponds closely to that of sjogrenite, another member of the hydrotalcite group.

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