Many of the serpentine mineral analyses treated statistically by Page (1968) do not conform to the standards he proposed for characterisation of the specimen or for completeness of analysis. When these unsatisfactory analyses are omitted the remainder are inconsistent with Page's conclusions that lizardite has relatively high SiO2 and low Al2O3 contents and that antigorite has relatively large numbers of trivalent tetrahedral ions. They are consistent with his other conclusions that relative to one another chrysotile is low in Al2O3, lizardite is low in Fe2+ and Fe2+: Fe3+, and antigorite is high in SiO2 and low in MgO and H2O+. It is further shown that chrysotila and lizardite contain H2O+ in excess of the ideal formula, antigorite has the highest FeO/(FeO+Fe2O3+Al2O3) aid lizardite the lowest. The extents of substitution by Fe and Al tend to be in the order chrysoltile< lizardite< 6-layer serpentine, though the ranges overlap, and substitution in antigorite extends over the range of all the other species.

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