Coexisting clinoptilolite and ferrierite occur in cavities in an andesitic breccia near Agoura, Los Angeles County, California. The average cell contents of the clinoptilolite and ferrierite are Na23K1.7Ca0.5Mg0.3Al0.2(Si30Al6) O72·24H2O and Na1.8K1.4Mg0.6(Si31.6Al4.4) O72· 18H2O, respectively. The clinoptilolite is similar in composition to reported analyses, whereas the ferrierite is far richer in Si and alkalis compared to published analyses.
The clinoptilolite crystals display a form, (201), not reported for heulandite. The optic orientation with OP parallel to (010) and Z ∧a=30° to 45° is distinctly different from that of heulandite. Other properties are 2Vz = 32°-48° and β = 1.479. The small fibers (0.01 mm) of ferrierite prevent detailed optical study. Ferrierite cell dimensions and peak intensities may reflect compositional variation.
The earlier precipitation of calcite probably allowed these Si and alkali-rich zeolites to crystallize from water percolating through the breccia.