Measurements have been made of the fundamental band of the O-H stretching frequency in three crocidolites of the alkali amphibole series. Several sharp peaks and prominent inflections are observed in the spectra, which correspond to hydroxyl groups linked to Fe2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ ions in all possible distributions in the two M(1) and one M(3) positions of the amphibole structure. Peak intensities have been used to estimate site populations in each crocidolite. Fe3+ ions are enriched in M(2) positions, but a small proportion also occurs in M(1) and M(3) positions with relative enrichment in M(1) positions. The majority of Fe2+ ions occupy M(l) and M(3) positions with relative enrichment in M(1) positions. The results indicate that local charge balance controls the distribution of Fe3+ ions in the crocidolite structure.

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