An attempt was made to synthesize the fully hydrated (8–12 H2O) form of torbernite, as no account of its synthesis could be found in the literature. Two solutions were made: 4.83 g. of Cu(NO3)2·3H2O and 21.68 g. of (UO2)(NO3)2·6H2O were dissolved in 500 ml. of water; 5.52 g. of NaH2PO4·H2O was dissolved in another 500 ml. of water. Both solutions were chilled with distilled-water ice cubes before and during mixing. The two solutions were combined, and the mixture was stored in a regrigerator at 5° C. A green precipitate formed in the course of several days. It was kept in the refrigerator as a damp slurry and was used in that form as far as possible.
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