The high-temperature behaviour of a feldspar-group mineral, filatovite (with the simplified formula: K(Al,Zn)2(As,Si)2O8), in which the Al:As:Si ratio is close to 2:1:1), was studied by in situ high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction and in situ high-temperature (hot stage) Raman spectroscopy up to 600°C. In the temperature range studied (25–600°С) filatovite does not undergo any phase transition, whereas at 800°C it decomposes to X-ray amorphous phase(s). The evolution of 12 main Raman bands was traced during heating, which indicates a gradual change in the crystal structure. The thermal expansion coefficients of filatovite demonstrate a sharply anisotropic character of thermal expansion: the maximal expansion is close to the a axis (α11 = 17.7(1) × 106 °C–1), whereas along the b and c axes the thermal expansion coefficients are close to zero. Such behaviour is typical for minerals with a similar crystal structure topology; it indicates the dominant role of structure geometry in the thermal behaviour of the mineral.

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