Here we report a nomenclature and classification for the astrophyllite-supergroup minerals. The HOH block is the main structural unit in all astrophyllite-supergroup structures; it consists of three H–O–H sheets where the T4O12 astrophyllite ribbons occur in the H sheets. In each structure, HOH blocks alternate with I (Intermediate) blocks along [001]. The twelve minerals of the astrophyllite supergroup are divided into three groups based on (1) the type of self-linkage of HOH blocks, i.e. (a) HOH blocks link directly where they share common vertices of D octahedra, or (b) HOH blocks do not link directly; and (2) the dominant cation of the O sheet (the C group: C7 apfu). In the astrophyllite group (HOH blocks connect via D––D bridges, Fe2+ is dominant at C7), there are six minerals: astrophyllite, niobophyllite, zircophyllite, tarbagataite, nalivkinite and bulgakite. In the kupletskite group (HOH blocks connect via D–
–D bridges, Mn2+ is dominant at C7), there are three minerals: kupletskite, niobokupletskite and kupletskite-(Cs). In the devitoite group (HOH blocks do not connect via D–
–D bridges), there are three minerals: devitoite, sveinbergeite and lobanovite. The general formula for the astrophyllite-supergroup minerals is of the form A2pBrC7D2(T4O12)2I
nWA2, where C [cations at the M(1–4) sites in the O sheet] = Fe2+, Mn, Na, Mg, Zn, Fe3+, Ca, Zr, Li; D (cations in the H sheets) = [6,5]Ti, Nb, Zr, Sn4+, [5]Fe3+, Mg, Al; T = Si, minor Al; A2pBrIWA2 (I block) where p = 1,2; r = 1,2; A = K, Cs, Ba, H2O, Li, Rb, Pb2+, Na, □; B = Na, Ca, Ba, H2O, □; I represents the composition of the central part of the I block, excluding peripheral layers of the form A2pBrWA2, e.g. (PO4)2(CO3) (devitoite);
= O;
= OH, F;
= F, O, OH, H2O, □, where n = 0, 1, 2 for (
)n; WA = H2O, □.