The volumes of a disordered An20 (Qod = 0.15), a disordered An78 (Qod = 0.55) and an ordered An78 (Qod = 0.81) were determined up to 9.569(10) GPa, 8.693(5) GPa and 9.765(10) GPa, respectively, using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The volume variations with pressure for these samples are described with 4th-order Birch Murnaghan equations of state with V0 = 669.88(7) Å3, K0 = 59.7(7) GPa, K′ = 5.7(5), K″ = −0.8(2) GPa−1 for disordered An20, V0 = 1340.48(10) Å3, K0 = 77.6(5) GPa, K0′ = 4.0(3), K″ = −0.59(9) GPa−1 for disordered An78 and V0 = 1339.62(6) Å3, K0 = 77.4(6) GPa, K′ = 4.2(4), and K″ = −0.7(1) GPa−1 for ordered An78. Along with data from previous studies (An0 ordered, An0 disordered and An20 ordered), the volumes for the disordered samples were found to be up to ∼0.3% larger than the ordered samples of the same composition. The disordered samples are softer than the ordered samples of the same composition by 4(1)% for An0, 2.5(9)% for An20 and essentially zero for An78. The relationship between volume increase, density decrease, and decreasing bulk modulus with increasing disorder is in accordance with Birch's Law.

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