In this paper we present new petrological and geochemical data for two peraluminous granite batholiths (Nisa Alburquerque and Jalama batholiths) representative of the "Araya-type" granites of the Central-Iberian Zone. Both granites are composite with several facies (monzogranites and leucogranites) that can be grouped into two main granite units: the external units and central units. Intrusive relationships and lack of geochemical coherence between the central and external units indicate that they are not comagmatic but represent different pulses. The central units of both batholiths are petrologically and geochemically different. On the other hand, external units show a lot of similarities and are the main object of this study. The main characteristics of the external granites can be interpreted in terms of an incomplete fractional crystallization process of early mineral phases (plg+Kf+bt) which probably took place at the level of emplacement. Other possible mechanisms of magmatic differentiation (magma mixing, restite unmixing, sequential melting) can be discarded based on field, petrography and geochemical data. We propose that the "Araya-type" granites are formed by the intrusion of distinct magma pulses (central and external). Further evolution within each pulse can be due to incomplete fractional crystallization possibly taking place at the emplacement level.

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