Near Meech Lake, Québec, the edges of Mesoproterozoic carbonatite dikes are composed of calcite, dolomite, fluorapatite, phlogopite, amphibole, and pyrochlore. The carbonatite is separated from amphibole-fenite by a narrow, fine-grained reaction selvage of phlogopite pierced with long prisms of amphibole. The amphibole is mainly richterite, but it extends to magnesio-arfvedsonite (overgrowth, crystal rim). Uranium-rich pyrochlore is metamict and ranges from calciopyrochlore to kenopyrochlore with Ta-U enrichment in crystal rims. Chemical characteristics of the suite are: (1) F and Nb highest in the selvage, and (2) decline of Sr and Ce outwards from the carbonatite. A similar pattern (this research) is found at Fen, Norway. Rare earths are enriched in LREE with smooth downward-sloping patterns, in chondrite-normalized curves, to HREE. Two major surges of mineralization are suggested: (1) early, metasomatic-alkalic, creating fenites with enrichment in Mg, Na, and K; and (2) later igneous depositing carbonatites and introducing first F, P, and Nb, then Ca, Sr, and Ce. Thermochemical and geochronological data place carbonate equilibration at 700 °C and the emplacement at 1026 Ma b.p. Calciocarbonatites, in monzonitic orthogneiss, are enriched in Ba and Ce. They are composed of baryte, calcite, phlogopite, fluorapatite, magnesio-riebeckite, and non-metamict allanite-(Ce). A mica selvage is present, but amphibole fenite is almost completely lacking. Magnesiocarbonatite has a well-developed selvage against granite but lacks significant amphibole fenite. In breccia cement at nearby Fortune Lake, pyrochlore is associated with abundant fluorapatite but lacks carbonates. The Cambro-Proterozoic calciocarbonatite near Fen, Norway is particularly Nb-rich in breccia zones, and pyroxene fenite takes the place of amphibole fenite at Meech Lake. In contrast to a relatively anorogenic regime during carbonatite petrogenesis at Fen, metamorphism has obscured pyrochlore zonation and enhanced amphibole growth at Meech Lake.