A hypabyssal kimberlite dike in southwestern Pennsylvania (USA), emplaced through Proterozoic basement and Phanerozic cover, contains a xenocryst and xenolith assemblage typical of material sampled within the subcontinental lithosphere, including xenocrysts of Cr-rich pyrope, magnesiochromite, Cr-rich diopside, and peridotite xenoliths. Temperatures and depths of equilibration of the clinopyroxene (840 °C and 130 km to 1350 °C and 170 km) indicate some sampling in the field of diamond stability. Diamonds have not been reported, however, and the chemistry of the garnet (lherzolite, Cr-poor megacryst, and Group II eclogite) and spinel (<56.0 wt.% Cr2O3) are consistent with diamond absence and the off-craton tectonic setting of the kimberlite. An unusual feature of this suite is that, unlike most mantle xenolith/xenocryst spinel, some of those from Masontown have an unusually high silica content (to 0.59 wt.% SiO2). The significance of the high silica content is unclear, but may be related to an ultrahigh-pressure precursor chromite polymorph with a calcium ferrite structure, which can accommodate Si in solid solution.

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