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Exploitation of Deep Geothermal Energy

  • Submission deadline: 17 September 2021
  • Lead Editor: Dawei Hu, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Guest Editors:
    • Guiling Wang, Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China
    • Jian Lin, University of Strasbourg, France
    • Bisheng Wu, Tsinghua University, China

Call for papers

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Deep geothermal energy is clean and renewable and can contribute considerable amounts of thermal and electrical energy. Due to these advantages, deep geothermal energy is of great strategic importance for the development of the energy industry, and some countries have already started to utilize deep geothermal energy for heating and electricity.

The full potential of deep geothermal energy has not yet been realized due to the complex geological structure and conditions of high temperature and stress in deep geothermal reservoirs. The reservoirs are composed of lithological structures, faults, fractures, porosity, and permeability on different scales, and multi-scale characterization is thus required for construction and operation. As the temperature and levels of stress in deep geothermal reservoirs are relatively high, the mechanical behaviour, fluid transport, and heat transport properties of rocks under such conditions are different from those in shallow conditions. Different stimulation methods are usually applied to enhance permeability dependent on the geothermal basin, while the fracturing mechanism under complex geological structure, high temperature, and high stress conditions is still not completely understood and needs further investigation. Finally, although it is environmentally friendly, potential environmental hazards (e.g., leakage of fracturing fluid and induced seismicity) related to the construction and long-term operation of deep geothermal energy should be considered.

This Special Issue will collect high-quality original research and review articles reflecting the advances in the research on the construction and operation of deep geothermal energy. Submissions can be based on analytical or numerical studies as well as laboratory experiments. Case studies are also welcome.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Multi-scale characterization of deep geothermal reservoirs: lithological structure, faults, fractures, porosity, and permeability
  • Mechanical behaviour, fluid transport, and heat transport properties of rocks under conditions of high temperature and stress
  • Stimulation and permeability variations in enhanced geothermal systems
  • Induced seismicity during the construction and operation of deep geothermal reservoirs

Papers are published upon acceptance.

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