The Bumbeni Complex represents an Early Cretaceous volcanic complex that developed at the southern termination of the Lebombo mountain range in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The volcano-sedimentary complex intrudes and disconformably overlies the Lebombo Group of the Karoo Large Igneous Province. The volcano-stratigraphy is defined by an assemblage of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks as well as late stage quartz-syenite intrusions. Based on current geological and geophysical studies the complex is considered to represent the remnants of a collapsed cauldron structure. The stratigraphic succession is intricate and laterally discontinuous, comprising mafic and felsic lava flows, welded and non-welded tuffs, ignimbrites, lahar deposits, rhyolite domes and dykes and coarse-grained syenitic rocks. Rhyolite dome formation and collapse, and associated plinian eruptions and column collapse, were largely responsible for the variety of volcaniclastic rocks, including classic air-fall tuff deposits. The complex forms part of a northeast trending volcanic basement lineament known as the Bumbeni Ridge defined by aeromagnetic data.

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