The Editorial Board is pleased to announce that the Young Authors' award for 1994 has been won by Dr Paul Younger of Newcastle upon Tyne University for his paper ‘Simple generalized methods of estimating aquifer storage parameters‘, published in QJEG Vol. 26, No 2. The presentation of a cheque and certificate was made at a Hydrogeological Group meeting at Keyworth on 29 March by David Allen on behalf of the Board. Our congratulations go to Dr Younger for his fine award-winning paper.

One of the most important advances in soil and rock mechanics has been a realization of the significance of the non-linear failure envelope: i.e. the consequences that follow from the fact that the envelope to the plot of Mohr circles on the shear stress—normal stress diagram is a curve rather than a straight line. The curved failure envelope is not only more satisfying mathematically, but also allows slope stability calculations to be made more accurately, gives a better insight into the mechanism of slope failure and thereby gives us more confidence in slope design. For all these reasons, therefore, it is gratifying to report that in this Part of the Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology we have a major paper by Perry on the subject. It gives a technique for defining non-linear strength envelopes and shows how they can be incorporated in slope stability analysis. The paper is, of course, complete in itself, but for those readers who wish to try out the technique described for themselves, the

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