Hydrogeology in Scotland held at the Clyde River Purification Board Offices, East Kilbride.
Is Underground Water Irrelevant in Scotland? By G. I. Lumsden.
The present position related to underground water in Scotland was demonstrated and examined with reference to the geological setting of existing and potential aquifers in Scotland, and their distribution. Traditional attitudes to the use of ground-water were questioned and instances given where local supplies could have been advantageously developed. The abundance of necessary hydrogeological information was assessed with reference to future requirements.
Hydrogeological Criteria and the Selection of Industrial Landfill Sites in Scotland. By I. B. Harrison.
Industrial landfill sites in Scotland tend to be concentrated in the Midland Valley where available sites are frequently in quarries in Palaeozoic sedimentary formations, or in disused sand and gravel workings close to major watercourses. The potential hydrogeological problems arising from waste disposal in such different environments were discussed together with an appraisal of the associated chemical phenomena. Particular emphasis was placed on the need for an unsaturated zone in the formation immediately below a landfill. Based on hydrogeological principles, criteria for the selection of waste disposal sites were proposed with reference to the Scottish situation.
Groundwater Storage in Fife and Kinross—its Potential as a Regional Resource. By S. S. D. Foster, W. G. N. Stirling & I. B. Paterson.
A thick regional aquifer has been identified within the Upper Old Red Sandstone sequence of Fife and Kinross, extending from the eastern rim of the Loch Leven basin down the