Regional Meeting
Norwich 16th-19th September 1975
Foundations on Quaternary Deposits
Day 1. Monday 15 September. East Anglian Quaternary Geology and Engineering Geology.
Introductory Lecture: Quaternary deposits of East Anglia, by B. M. Funnell.
The problems of the highway engineer in Norfolk, by P. F. Wilkes and J. D. Pitchford.
The Pleistocene history of the Fenland River Basins, by A. Horton.
Concurrent Seminars:
Seminar A: The geology of glacial deposits, by G. S. Boulton
Seminar B: The soil mechanics of glacial deposits, by D. G. McKinlay
Day 2. Tuesday 16 September. Field visits
(1) Visit to Trial Embankment in Wash.
(2) Visit to Alton Water Scheme.
(3) N. Norfolk-Holt-E. and W. Runton-Over-strand-Observation of glacial deposits.
(4) South Norfolk/Suffolk field trip.
Day 3. Wednesday 17 September. Glacial Deposits as Foundation Materials.
Genetic influences on the engineering properties of tills, by A. McGown and E. Derbyshire.
The geotechnical properties of a present-day supra-glacial land system, by M. A. Paul.
P.F.A. Lagoons on Devensian deposits at Gale Common, Yorkshire, by R. K. Taylor, R. Barton, J. E. Mitchell and A. E. Cobb.
Investigations of discontinuities within the glacial deposits forming an integral part of the Brenig Dam and its foundations, by P. S. B. Colback, T. G. Carter and D. J. Eastaff.
Embankment dam foundations on till, by P. R. Vaughan.
Pile driving in glacial deposits, by A. P. K. Tate.
Foundation design in areas where Quaternary deposits overlie mine workings, by P. R. Rankilor.
The evaluation of the engineering design parameters of glacial