The fossils of the Lebanese Upper Cretaceous Lagerstätten, especially the articulated fish, are world renowned. Famous for their soft tissue preservation and highly sought after by fossil collectors, Lebanese fossils provide key information concerning the evolution of several major extant and extinct groups of Mesozoic organisms including cephalopods, crustaceans, hagfish, sharks, marine reptiles and pterosaurs. In fact, fossils from Lebanon are so exceptional that historical documentation describing them extends back to the Roman Empire. However, despite over 1600 years of knowledge of these fossils, a thorough understanding of the depositional environments, taphonomy and palaeoecology of the four main sites, Haqel, Hjoula, Nammoura (each Cenomanian in age) and Sahel Aalma (Santonian), is lacking. Here we compile a review of the palaeoenvironments, fauna and flora of these four Lebanese Lagerstätten. Our synthesis outlines the history of fossil discovery, and describes the current understanding of the geology, ages, mode of preservation and organisms found at these four sites. We also undertake a bibliometric and holotype analysis to investigate the impact that scientific colonialism has had on Lebanon. Our data confirm that local Lebanese researchers are typically not included in publications pertaining to Lebanese fossils and that the majority of Lebanese type material is stored in large historical collections outside Lebanon, predominantly in institutions within the northern hemisphere. Here, we recommend some basic practices for researchers utilizing historical collections that can help develop local Lebanese fossil collections and establish more research opportunities for local palaeontologists.
ملخص عربي الأحافير اللبنانية، وخاصة الأسماك، الموجودة في تكوينات العصر الطباشيري العليا مشهورة عالميًا ومطلوبة بشدة من قبل جامعي الأحافير. تشتهر الأحافير خاصّة من حاقل، حجولا، نمورة، وساحل علما، لحفظ الأنسجة الليّنة. و قد قدمت هذه الأحافير معلومات حيوية بشأن تطور عدة مجموعات رئيسية من الكائنات الحية المعاصرة والمنقرضة بما في ذلك الرأسيات، القشريات، القروش، الأسماك، الزواحف البحرية، التيروصورات و غيرها من الكائنات . تتمتع الأحافير اللبنانية باستثنائية بحيث تعود الوثائق التاريخية التي تصفها إلى الإمبراطورية الرومانية. ومع ذلك، على الرغم من وجود أكثر من 1600 سنة من المعرفة بهذه الأحافير، فإن الفهم الشامل لهذه الأحافير وللبيئة التي عاشت فيها مفقود. من خلال هذا العمل نستعرض أربعة من أشهر المواقع اللبنانية الغنية بالأحافير و التي تمت دراستها سابقا. يوضح تلخيصنا الفهم الحالي لهذه الأحافير والكائنات الموجودة بالإضافة إلى بيئتها و طريقة حفظها. نقوم أيضًا بدراسة أثر الاستعمار العلمي على لبنان . تؤكد بياناتنا أن الباحثين اللبنانيين المحليين عادة ما لا يتم تضمينهم في الأبحاث المتعلقة بالأحافير اللبنانية وأن الجزء الأكبر من هذه الأحافير مخزن في متاحف خارج لبنان، في الغالب في مؤسسات في نصف الكرة الشمالي . هنا، نوصي ببعض الممارسات الأساسية للباحثين الذين يستخدمون المجموعات التاريخية التي يمكن أن تساعد في تطوير جمعيات الأحافير اللبنانية المحلية وإنشاء مزيد من فرص البحث لعلماء الحفريات المحليين .
Supplementary material: Article and book chapter data published between 1883 to 2023 related to Upper Cretaceous fossil material are available at
The Upper Cretaceous Lagerstätten of Lebanon, often referred to as the Lebanese fossil fish beds or the ‘fish shales’ (Hückel 1970), are known for beautiful limestone slabs containing exquisite articulated fish and crustacean fossils (e.g. Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002; Capasso 2017). Lebanese fossils are highly sought after by collectors, and the sheer amount of fossiliferous material extracted from these Lagerstätten means that they are common in shops and fossil fairs around the world. However, it is not the sheer volume of fossil material alone that makes the Lebanese Lagerstätten remarkable. Fossils from Lebanon record rich taxonomic and morphological diversity in marine groups including bony fish, chondrichthyans, coleoid cephalopods, crustaceans and others. Moreover, many of these fossils are recovered with stunning soft tissues, typically preserved by authigenic phosphatic mineralization (e.g. Briggs and Wilby 1996). This mode of preservation also captures soft-bodied organisms that are typically poorly represented in the fossil record, such as hagfish, coleoid cephalopods and polychaetes, making these fossils sites an important ‘window’ into Cretaceous ecosystems, phylogenies and taphonomic processes (e.g. Fuchs et al. 2009; Clements et al. 2016; Wilson et al. 2016; Kachacha et al. 2017; Miyashita et al. 2019). Furthermore, the Lebanese sites were deposited during a time interval (Cenomanian–Santonian) that is poorly represented by other global Lagerstätten, therefore increasing the importance of these beds for understanding marine ecosystems during the first half of the Late Cretaceous.
The fossils of Lebanon have a long human history, being described by Romans chroniclers, gifted to crusading European monarchs and collected by Victorian naturalists who shipped vast quantities of them to the early natural history institutions of the northern hemisphere (see Capasso 2017). These specimens, and newer discoveries, are the subjects of frequent published descriptions, which have greatly expanded our understanding of the fauna of Late Cretaceous marine ecosystems (e.g. Fuchs et al. 2015; Kellner et al. 2019; Miyashita et al. 2019; Jambura et al. 2021; Murray et al. 2022; El Hossny and Cavin 2023).
In this review, we will focus on the four main Lebanese Upper Cretaceous localities: Haqel, Hjoula, Nammoura (Cenomanian) and Sahel Aalma (Santonian) (Fig. 1). Broadly speaking, these sites are categorized as fine-grained, laminated, organic-rich plattenkalks (lithographic limestones) that were deposited in warm, shallow-marine conditions on the continental shelf in restricted palaeogeographical basins. Although the extractive collection and removal of fossils from Lebanon has built large historical collections that still yield scientific knowledge of the organisms that inhabited the Late Cretaceous seas, study of the host sediments is sorely lacking, with only a handful of site-specific investigations. This approach has had a detrimental impact on the understanding of the geology, depositional environment and taphonomy of these world-famous Lagerstätten. Here, we outline the current understanding of the Upper Cretaceous Lagerstätten of Lebanon, the iconic fossil fauna and flora, and examine the impact of scientific colonialism on Lebanese palaeontology.
Overview of the localities, age and palaeoenvironments
Haqel, Hjoula, Nammoura (all Cenomanian) and Sahel Aalma (Santonian) localities (Fig. 1) each represent Konservat-Lagerstätte in their own right, with distinct depositional environments, faunas and taphonomies and are described separately in detail below. It is, however, important to state that these may not be the only Lebanese Upper Cretaceous Lagerstätten. Localities such as Ain el Ghabour (عين الغبور) (near the town of Zeitoun (زيتون ); e.g. Forey et al. 2003), Maifouq (ميفوق ; e.g. Audo and Charbonnier 2013) and others yield exceptionally preserved fossils; however, these sites have not been the subject to major investigations, and less is known about their exact age, faunas, palaeoenvironment and collection history.
Occasionally, the geographical locality data of Lebanese fossils are very general, confusing different fossiliferous sites and/or erroneously combining sites. Detailed analysis of in situ facies, microfossils and sedimentary chemistry is lacking, making it difficult to trace the true provenance of Lebanese fossils from historical collections. Moreover, there are a plethora of translations and various spellings of site names throughout the literature. As Arabic is the official language of Lebanon, place names have Arabic (which we have included), English and French spellings on maps and road signs, which has led to some confusion. Here, we catalogued examples used in the literature (to help readers with internet search engine keywording), but we have attempted to use the direct anglicization of the respective Arabic town and village names from Lebanese road signs and maps where possible. We suggest standardization in future literature.
Haqel Lagerstätte
The first described, and probably most well-known Lebanese Lagerstätte, is Haqel (حاقل ). Today, fossils from Haqel are found in a small quarry (c. 700 m above sea level) located approximately 1.5 km east from the small town of Haqel (within the Keserwan–Jbeil Governorate), itself approximately 30 km NE of Beirut and around 12 km east of the sea (Fig. 2a). Within the scientific literature is a variety of spellings of Haqel; examples include ‘Hakel’ and ‘Hâqel’ (e.g. Dalla Vecchia et al. 2001; Audo and Charbonnier 2013).
The quarry at Haqel has a history of human resource extraction, with the quarried stone being used as building material from the fourth century (Capasso 2017). During extraction of this building stone, fossil fish were frequently recovered, often highly articulated, leading to a long documented human history, with examples of the fossils being reported from as long ago as the Roman occupation (see Box 1). Today, the site is still accessible, with tours and researchers visiting the quarry to prospect for fossils; however, it should be noted that the land the site is on is privately owned by several individuals.
Generally, the taphonomy and mode of preservation of organisms found in the Upper Cretaceous Lebanese Lagerstätten are poorly understood. Some analyses on the mode of preservation of individual fossil specimens have been reported (e.g. Fuchs et al. 2009; Haug et al. 2016; Wilson et al. 2016), but no comprehensive investigation of the mode of preservation and taphonomy has been undertaken at Haqel, Hjoula, Nammoura or Sahel Aalma. As reported herein, there is geological evidence to suggest discrete events or pulses of mass mortality (e.g. Hemleben 1977), yet no clear evidence for a killing mechanism has yet been proposed.
Broadly speaking, the fish fossils from the Lebanese Lagerstätten have articulated skeletons, although examples of disarticulated fish are also plentiful. Typically, vertebrates found in the Lebanese Lagerstätten do have 3D skeletons, especially the larger and more skeletally robust organisms (e.g. Tong et al. 2006; Kellner et al. 2019); however, these skeletons commonly exhibit signs of post-burial compression, such as lateral expansion and/or in situ fracturing of long bones (e.g. Tong et al. 2006). Interestingly, although many skeletons superficially look complete, detailed analyses of fish skeletons have shown that there are varying levels of completeness within fossil individuals and that skeletal completeness is inconsistent across specimens of the same taxon (e.g. El Hossny et al. 2020; El Hossny and Cavin 2023). This could be taphonomic, or it could be because fossiliferous limestone slabs often reveal laterally preserved fossil organisms on the bedding plane, and parts of the organism could be within the matrix or on the counterpart. Examples of vertebrate fossils where computed tomography (CT) and/or synchrotron tomography has revealed 3D skeletal elements within the host rock are becoming more prominent within Lebanese fossils (e.g. Rage and Escuillié 2000; Miyashita et al. 2019).
Another feature that makes Lebanese fossils attractive to collectors is that some smaller animals, especially small fish, are preserved with a distinct dark black/brown body outline. Currently, no chemical analysis of these body outlines has been undertaken, so it is unclear if they are composite impressions or actual preserved organic remains. This mode of preservation is also common for fossil insects, and some of these dark, flattened, compressional body outlines can be incredibly detailed. One stunning example is the dragonflies found at Hjoula, which preserve exquisitely delicate wing venation structures (Azar et al. 2019). In contrast, heavily cuticulized organisms, such as crustaceans, often preserve a compressed dark brown or black mineralized cuticle that can capture exceptional carapace details as well as delicate articulated appendages (e.g. Audo and Charbonnier 2013; Haug et al. 2016; Fig. 3e). The exoskeletons of these organisms can preserve palaeopathologies, including healed wounds and the presence of epibionts (Audo and Charbonnier 2013).
One of the most taphonomically exciting aspects of the Lebanese Lagerstätten is the prevalence of labile soft tissues found across a wide range of organisms. The most common mode of soft tissue preservation in the Lebanese Lagerstätten is replacement by authigenic minerals, typically calcium phosphate (a process termed phosphatization). This mode of preservation occurs relatively rapidly, and requires specific environmental conditions to occur (see Clements et al. 2022 for a review) but appears to be widespread across the Lebanese Lagerstätten. Phosphatization acts to replicate specific soft tissues, including dermis, muscles, gills and some internal organs (such as digestive tracts) in many vertebrates, crustaceans, cephalopods and annelid fossils (e.g. Fig. 2g and h). One example of rare soft-bodied organisms from Lebanon is the beautifully preserved hagfish Tethymyxine tapirostrum, which has a distinct body outline, cartilages, notochord and a myriad of internal organs including intestines, a possible heart and putative slime glands, some preserved in calcium phosphate (Miyashita et al. 2019).
Coleoid cephalopods are another group from the Lebanese Lagerstätten that demonstrate the beautiful fidelity of phosphatic mineral replacement (Fig. 3d, g and h). Despite having almost no biomineralized tissue, octopodes such as Keuppia and Styletoctopus have preserved body outlines, arm crowns, musculature, gills, eye capsules, suckers, digestive tracts and even respiratory, excretory and circulatory systems, mostly preserved by calcium phosphate (Fuchs et al. 2009, 2015; Donovan and Fuchs 2016). Many fossil cephalopods from Lebanon also have preserved ink sacs. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) analysis of these preserved organs has identified fossilized melanin (see Colleary et al. 2015). Melanin may be present in other animal groups in the Lebanese Lagerstätten, especially in the dark eyespots of vertebrates and in some fish fossils that seem to have some preserved colour patterns (e.g. Capasso et al. 2010), but further analysis is required to confirm this.
Another fascinating soft tissue discovery was Rollinschaeta myoplena, a polychaete from Hjoula, which exhibits two types of stunningly preserved musculature throughout its body (Wilson et al. 2016). What makes this find fascinating is that other types of musculature (such as the body wall or intestine) were not preserved with such fidelity, demonstrating a clear bias within phosphatic musculature preservation. Wilson et al. (2016) argued that the absence of decay-resistant characters, such as aciculae and chaetae, suggested that the Lebanese polychaetes’ sequence of decay deviated from the ‘normal’ decay of polychaetes in experimental conditions and consequently brought the results of controlled decay experiments into question (e.g. Briggs and Kear 1993). We now know this is not the case, as the decay-prone musculature was rapidly geologically stabilized by authigenic phosphatic replacement prior to decay. This mode of preservation is highly selective (Clements et al. 2022), and would not have acted on the decay-resistant characters (e.g. aciculae and chaetae). The non-phosphatized tissue would continue to decay, leaving a fossil that superficially appears taphonomically paradoxical with preserved soft tissues but absent hard tissues (Gabbott et al. 2021; Clements et al. 2022).
The fauna at Haqel is dominated by small teleost fish, and is world renowned for its fossil ichthyofauna, with currently over 70 different genera of fish (c. 93 species) being described from this location (El Hossny et al. 2020; El Hossny and Cavin 2023). Moreover, Haqel is well known for its fish mass mortality slabs, which often contain large numbers of overlapping skeletons that are highly prized by collectors around the world (Forey et al. 2003; Fig. 2j). Although dominated by fossil bony fish, Haqel also boasts a high diversity of other fossil organisms, often preserved with soft tissues. These include sharks (e.g. Jambura et al. 2021), batomorphs (e.g. Cappetta 1980b; Forey et al. 2003), crustaceans (e.g. Garassino 1994), annelid polychaetes (e.g. Bracchi and Alessandrello 2005), cephalopods (e.g. Fuchs et al. 2009; Fuchs and Larson 2011a, b), echinoderms (e.g. Jaselli 2016) and disarticulated pterosaur fragments (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2001). Non-calcareous marine algae have been identified in thin sections from Haqel (e.g. Basson 1981; Krings and Mayr 2004). Terrestrial plants are also found at Haqel, although they are considered rare (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2001).
Although the age of the Haqel Lagerstätte has historically been debated (see El Hossny et al. 2020 for a review), the current consensus, based on ammonite and foraminifera biostratigraphy, dates the locality to the late Cenomanian (Hemleben 1977; Wippich and Lehmann 2004; Fuchs et al. 2009). The sediment of the Haqel quarry is characterized as yellow to grey laminated lithographic limestones that are hard, fine grained and well bedded (Hückel 1970, 1974; Hemleben 1977; Bracchi and Alessandrello 2005), with some distinct layers containing flint lenses or nodules (Fuchs et al. 2009; Capasso 2017; Fig. 2a). Assigned to the Sannine Formation (Walley 1997), these sediments are thought to have been deposited in a warm, shallow sea (Krings and Mayr 2004; El Hossny et al. 2020). Swinburne and Hemleben (1994) suggested that the carbonate was primarily pelagic in origin, deposited via suspension, and that the bedding laminae may have been caused by turbidity currents. However, an in-depth sedimentological analysis is required to confirm this.
The palaeoenvironment of Haqel is poorly understood. Swinburne and Hemleben (1994) suggested that tectonic activity acting on the underlying carbonate platform formed a steep-sided, fault-bounded marine basin on the outer margin of the continental shelf, perhaps several hundred kilometres from the palaeocoastline. The fossiliferous plattenkalks were subsequently deposited in this basin (Swinburne and Hemleben 1994). The evidence for the basin's tectonic activity stems from an ‘anomalously thick sequence’ of olistostrome within the plattenkalk, which suggests an intermittent strike-slip opening and deepening of the basin (Swinburne and Hemleben 1994). The edges of the basin are poorly resolved, but the basin is thought to have been surrounded by submerged carbonate rudist or oyster reefs that may have even formed parts of the actual walls of the basin (Swinburne and Hemleben 1994) but evidence for this was not presented by the authors.
The fossiliferous areas of Haqel are reported to be extremely geographically restricted, which Hückel (1970) described as occurring in approximately 250 m wide bathymetric lows (termed ‘sinkholes’ by Hückel) that may have formed as a result of tectonic activity. Clear sedimentary evidence to support the ‘sinkhole’ hypothesis is lacking. Regardless, it has been suggested that the restricted bottom waters within the basin were anoxic, based on the high organic content and bituminous nature of the fossiliferous sediments, along with the lack of bioturbation and sessile bottom feeding organism fossils (Roger 1946; Patterson 1967; Hückel 1970; Hemleben 1977; Schram et al. 1999). However, Hemleben (1977) also described that some horizons within the fossiliferous zone do actually show evidence of bioturbation, and that fossil fish are not found in these horizons. This suggests that within the fossiliferous beds of Haqel, there was a periodic nature to the preservation of fossils. In the same study, Hemleben (1977) noted that fossil fish, especially the mass mortality slabs, were often restricted to distinct horizons, and he proposed that nutrient upwellings may have triggered blooms of dinoflagellates (termed a ‘red tide’). This potential kill mechanism would choke and kill pelagic organisms, which would then sink into the anoxic waters of the basin below, accumulating large numbers of carcasses in a bottom water devoid of scavengers. This hypothesis is frequently cited in the literature as to why soft tissue preservation is so common at Haqel, as the algal blooms would create environmental conditions suitable for soft tissue preservation via authigenic mineralization (e.g. Swinburne and Hemleben 1994; Schram et al. 1999; Wilson et al. 2016). Evidence for this hypothesis, sedimentary or otherwise, was not presented by the authors or in subsequent studies (Hemleben 1977). Detailed sedimentological, geochemical and taphonomic analyses of the fossiliferous sediments are required to accurately ascertain the drivers of preservation at Haqel.
Hjoula Lagerstätte
Hjoula (حجولا) was first documented in the late 1800s (Lewis 1878), making it the third Lebanese Upper Cretaceous locality to be identified. It is sometimes paired with Haqel in the literature owing to their geographical proximity, faunal similarities and similar (if not the same) age. The fossils from Hjoula are found in a series of small limestone quarries located approximately 5 km south of Haqel, near its namesake town, Hjoula (حجولا, within the Keserwan–Jbeil Governorate). Similarly to Haqel, the name of this site in the scientific literature is inconsistent, including ‘Hajula’, ‘Hazhüla’, ‘Hjoûla’ and ‘Hadjoula’ (e.g. Lewis 1878; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2001; Capasso 2017; Miyashita et al. 2019). As Hjoula was described in the late 19th century during the period of fervent palaeontological interest from European and American fossil collectors, large historical collections of material from this site are now housed in many northern hemisphere natural history institutions (Capasso 2017; see Boxes 2 and 3). The site can still be visited and prospected today, although the land is privately owned.
Exceptional Lebanese Konservat-Lagerstätten fossils, especially the fossil fish, have a long and fascinating human history. The oldest known documentation pertaining to Lebanese fossils was the Chronicle, published in 314 CE, by Eusebius Pamphili, Bishop of Caesarea, indicating that these fossils were known during the Roman Empire (Capasso 2017). In the mid-13th century, the chronicler Jean de Joinville described a presentation of fossil fishes by the local authorities of Sidon (also known as Saida (صيدا)) to the King of France, Louis IX, during the Seventh Crusade (Woodward 1895). This account clearly notes the exceptional preservation of the fossils, stating that ‘The fish was of stone, but lacked nothing in form, eyes, bones, colour, or anything necessary to a living fish’ (Woodward 1895). In the late 1600s, Cornelis de Bruijn, a well-known travelling painter from the Netherlands, visited Lebanon and made the first known illustrations of fossiliferous material from the area, creating remarkable engravings of the part and counterpart of a fossil fish. These engravings are of such good quality that the subject fossil has been putatively identified as Prionolepis cataphractus (see Capasso 2017).
Although Lebanese fossils were fleetingly described in various scientific meetings during the early 1700s, the first actual description of fossil material from Lebanon was undertaken in 1818 by the French zoologist and anatomist Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville (it is reported that he coined the term palaeontology), who established the first formal fossil fish species from the area (de Blainville 1818; Capasso 2017). Around this time, fossil collecting became fashionable throughout Europe, and European collectors began to travel to Lebanon to buy, collect and transport large quantities of Lebanese fossil material out of the country. One notable early collector was Lady Hester Stanhope (1776–1839), a famous British writer, traveller and archaeologist, who shipped large quantities of Lebanese fossils to London and other British museums in the early 1800s (Capasso 2017). With the growing renown and collectability of Lebanese fossils, many more European expeditions would follow throughout the 19th and early 20th century, with many notable historical palaeontologists such as François Jules Pictet, Aloïs Humbert, Louis Agassiz, James William Davis, Ernst Haeckel and Arthur Smith Woodward (amongst others) buying, collecting and describing Lebanese fossil taxa (Capasso 2017). Many of these fossils were sold to private collectors or to major museum institutions to fund the expeditions, and these fossils form the basis of the large historical collections of Lebanese fossil material found at several of the largest European museums such as those in London, Paris, Milan, Geneva and Zurich.
In recent years, there has been growing awareness of, and investigation into, the impact of extractive research processes within the natural science disciplines; in particular, the impact of European colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries on research practices today (e.g. Monarrez et al. 2021; Cisneros et al. 2022; Raja et al. 2022). Lebanon has a long history of being under the subjugation of foreign imperial powers, mainly the Ottoman Empire from the 13th until the 20th century. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire (post First World War), the modern state of Lebanon was created via a League of Nations mandate (at the San Remo Conference) in 1920. Following this conference, the State of Greater Lebanon (direct precursor to the modern Republic of Lebanon) was declared, which was administered by the French Government as part of the mandate system until the fall of France in 1940, when the administration transitioned to the Vichy French government. In 1941, the Vichy government signed the Paris protocols, allowing Nazi Germany and Italian military units to move through Vichy-controlled regions. Concerned that this could threaten access to the Iraqi oilfields, British Commonwealth troops and Free French forces invaded Lebanon and Syria in a 1 month long campaign (Sutton 2022). During this period, Lebanon declared its independence, which was resisted by the Free French government, but under internal and international pressure, France relinquished its claim to the area and Lebanon gained independence in 1943.
Interestingly, much of the fossil material that forms historical collections across western European museums was collected by European expeditions before the rule of the French, during Ottoman rule in the 19th and early 20th century (see Capasso 2017; Box 2). However, this extractive practice has continued to the present day: many recent (21st century) publications focused on Lebanese taxa are based on material accessioned in institutions outside Lebanon (e.g. Fuchs and Larson 2011a, b; Parry et al. 2015; Clements et al. 2016; Wilson et al. 2016; Cawley and Kriwet 2019; Taverne and Capasso 2020). However, despite this interest in Lebanese fossils, there has been no specific investigation into the impact of colonialism on palaeontology in the region.
We undertook cursory quantitative analyses to determine if scientific colonialism has affected palaeontological research on Lebanese fossils. We collected article and book chapter data published between 1883 and 2023 related to Upper Cretaceous fossil material. We sourced the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases using advanced searches, and manual data scraping from Google Scholar resulting in n = 92 publications (see Supplementary material). We also downloaded holotype specimen data from the Paleobiology Database (, accessed 22 March 2023, n = 276) reported from the four sites that are the focus of this paper (Haqel, Hjoula, Nammoura and Sahel Aalma). Our data show that only 17% of publication documents based on Lebanese fossils include researchers based at Lebanese institutions (authors’ affiliation data were utilized rather than using nationality as this is difficult to determine based on available data; this is standard practice following Raja et al. 2022). Our data also show that the majority of Late Cretaceous Lebanese holotypes from these sites are overwhelmingly housed outside Lebanon (Fig. 5a); the majority of holotypes are stored in the UK (38%), followed by France (16%), Italy (c. 14%) and the USA (c. 11%). Lebanese institutions hold under 5% of described holotypes. Our data also show that only c. 3% of holotype descriptions are authored by academics with Lebanese affiliations (Fig. 5a) and, generally, the number of Lebanese collaborations is not increasing (Fig. 5b). Because many historically collected specimens have yet to be digitized, these data highlight a fraction of fossil material that contributes to the self-sustaining cycle that prevents Lebanese palaeontological research from blossoming despite the huge amount of exceptional fossil material found locally.
The impact of colonialism on Lebanese palaeontology. (a) Bar-chart showing the number of individual holotype specimens accessioned in each country and the number of institutions the holotypes are located in (based on PBDB data). Inset pie-chart shows the proportions of holotypes by major groups. (b) Timeline of publications pertaining to the Upper Cretaceous Lagerstätten of Haqel, Hjoula, Nammoura and Sahel Aalma (grey line) and major events in the history of Lebanon. The red line indicates the number of publications that have Lebanese affiliated co-authors. (c) Collaboration networks between countries based on Lebanese fossil material. Countries highlighted directly collaborate with Lebanese authors.
The impact of colonialism on Lebanese palaeontology. (a) Bar-chart showing the number of individual holotype specimens accessioned in each country and the number of institutions the holotypes are located in (based on PBDB data). Inset pie-chart shows the proportions of holotypes by major groups. (b) Timeline of publications pertaining to the Upper Cretaceous Lagerstätten of Haqel, Hjoula, Nammoura and Sahel Aalma (grey line) and major events in the history of Lebanon. The red line indicates the number of publications that have Lebanese affiliated co-authors. (c) Collaboration networks between countries based on Lebanese fossil material. Countries highlighted directly collaborate with Lebanese authors.
Scientists (and academic institutions) from high-income countries buying fossil material for research in their home country and not including local scientists (Fig. 5b and c) acts to increase the cost of local fossil material and removes the fossil from Lebanon. Buying fossils from collectors, travelling to foreign museum institutions (including visas and related issues) or travelling to use scientific equipment (such as synchrotrons) is financially prohibitive for many Lebanese researchers. This means that the opportunities to undertake ‘high-impact’ research are greatly diminished for local scientists, therefore compromising their capacity to secure competitive funding, and negatively affecting the employment and research opportunities for local students. This establishes a scientific field that almost solely benefits foreign researchers and drastically undermines the potential for locally led research teams (sensu ‘parachute science’; see Cisneros et al. 2022 for a review of the implications of parachute science).
Despite the fauna of the site having many similarities to that of Haqel and their close geographical locations, there are notable differences. Hjoula is dominated by crustaceans, particularly decapods, but articulated fish fossils are comparatively less common than at Haqel (Capasso 2017). This is also true of terrestrial plants (Capasso 2017). However, unlike Haqel, Hjoula's fossil assemblage includes insects (e.g. Maksoud and Azar 2021), nautiloids with possible soft tissues (e.g. Klug et al. 2021), exceptional coleoid cephalopods (e.g. Fuchs et al. 2009), echinoderms (e.g. Reich 2004), a batomorph embryo inside an egg case (Capasso and Yamaguchi 2023), a lone example of a myxinoid (hagfish; Miyashita et al. 2019), more complete pterosaur remains (e.g. Elgin and Frey 2011; Kellner et al. 2019) and undescribed turtle remains (Bazzi, pers. comm.).
Biostratigraphic data suggest that Hjoula and Haqel formed contemporaneously during the late Cenomanian (Hemleben 1977; Wippich and Lehmann 2004). Moreover, the geology of the two sites is similar, both being dominated by highly fossiliferous, laminated lithographic limestones (Hückel 1970; Fig. 2c). However, there are several key differences in lithology. For example, the limestones at Hjoula have been described as softer, more compacted, lighter in colour (yellow or grey) and completely devoid of flint nodules (Fuchs et al. 2009). The sediments at Hjoula have also been stated to be more bituminous than at Haqel, with higher quantities of pyrite, suggesting more prolonged and intense periods of bottom water anoxia (Swinburne and Hemleben 1994). Hückel (1970) did note that the fossiliferous zones at Hjoula are also highly geographically restricted and they suggested that, as at Haqel, small palaeogeographical ‘sinkholes’ may have increased the likelihood of soft tissue preservation.
Swinburne and Hemleben (1994) suggested that Hjoula may have also been a steep-sided tectonically active marine basin palaeoenvironment surrounded by walls of shallower carbonate rudist or oyster reefs, but it is important to note that Hjoula is thought to be a completely separate marine basin from Haqel (Swinburne and Hemleben 1994) although the distance between these two basins during deposition has not, to our knowledge, been investigated. Some researchers have suggested that Hjoula was further from the palaeocoast than Haqel (Kellner et al. 2019) based on the absence of terrestrial plant material and insect fossils, although recent descriptions of insects and plants from Hjoula undermine this hypothesis (e.g. Capasso 2017; Maksoud and Azar 2021). As at Haqel, a detailed palaeoenvironmental investigation is required to fully understand the taphonomy and palaeogeography of the Hjoula palaeobasin.
Nammoura Lagerstätte
Nammoura (نمورة) is the most recent Lebanese Upper Cretaceous plattenkalk to be described. Spellings in the literature include ‘Nammoûra’, ‘En Nammoura’, ‘Nmoura’ and ‘Al Nammoura’ (e.g. Rage and Escuillié 2000; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002; Capasso 2017; Jambura et al. 2021). The Nammoura Lagerstätte is confined to a series of small quarries, which together take their name from the local village of Nammoura (نمورة) within the Keserwan–Jbeil Governorate, approximately 15 km SE of Haqel. Quarrying for building material began in 1915, with major expansion of the quarry occurring during the 1950s (Forey et al. 2003; Capasso 2017). In 1981, a road was constructed to the quarry, allowing motor vehicle access, which has greatly increased the output of rock, and fossil material, from the quarry (Forey et al. 2003). The plattenkalk at Nammoura is much more geographically extensive than at Haqel and Hjoula, extending for over 1 km, with exposure on both sides of the Abraham River (نهر إبراهيم ) (also known as the Adonis River). The river splits the quarry into two sites, one on either side of the valley, with only a restricted section on one side of the river bank seeming to be fossiliferous (Forey et al. 2003; Capasso 2017). Currently, the land is private and off limits without express permission from the quarry owners, but collecting fossils from the quarries is possible, with some pre-arranged tours being allowed to prospect the site.
Nammoura, although rich in fossil diversity, has been described as less fossiliferous than Haqel and Hjoula (Capasso 2017). The most abundant fossils found at Nammoura are small teleost fish, although mass mortality fossil slabs are not found at Nammoura (Forey et al. 2003). It has also been consistently reported in the literature that the fidelity of preservation of fish is much higher than that of Haqel and Hjoula; the fossils are commonly fully articulated and often have preserved soft tissues such as skin, muscles and eye spots (Bannikov and Bacchia 2000; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002; Forey et al. 2003; Capasso 2017). The site is also well known for its terrestrial plant fossils (Dilcherm and Basson 1990; Krassilov and Bacchia 2000; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002; Fig. 2f). Other fossil groups found at Nammoura include insects (e.g. Nel et al. 2004), crustaceans (although these are rare according to Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002), echinoids, cephalopods (Jattiot et al. 2015), bivalves (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002), testudines (Tong et al. 2006), marine squamates (e.g. Dal Sasso and Renesto 1999), a single fossil avialan (Dalla Vecchia and Chiappe 2003; Cau and Arduini 2008), disarticulated singular avialan feathers (e.g. Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002; Cau and Arduini 2008), a partial arm of a non-avialan theropod dinosaur (Krassilov and Bacchia 2000; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002) and coprolites (Jattiot et al. 2015).
Biostratigraphic data from microfossils indicate that units deposited on top of the Lagerstätte are from the middle to late Cenomanian, indicating that the site at Nammoura is slightly older than those at Haqel and Hjoula (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002). Analysis of the major outcrops along the Abraham river by Dalla Vecchia et al. (2002) divided the Lagerstätte into eight lithological units, and found that fossiliferous beds were restricted to a single wedge-shaped unit of gently sloping, fine-grained, bluish grey to green lithographic limestones with some small chert lenses and limited evidence of bioturbation (termed ‘Unit 3a + b’). These fossiliferous limestone beds at Nammoura have been reported as being significantly different from the limestones at Haqel and Hjoula, with both Dalla Vecchia et al. (2002) and Forey et al. (2003) describing the limestone at Nammoura as more of a ‘classic’ lithographic limestone with plane-parallel lamination and tabular bedding more closely resembling the plattenkalks of the Solnhofen Lagerstätte, Germany (Fig. 2b). It has also been reported that the greenish colour of the limestone is different enough that fish fossils from this site can be easily distinguished from those recovered at Haqel or Hjoula (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002).
Nammoura has a different depositional environment from the aforementioned sites, and was probably located closer to the inner continental shelf (see Swinburne and Hemleben 1994; Fig. 1). The fossiliferous limestone beds at Nammoura are geographically more extensive than at either Haqel or Hjoula. The individual beds have been reported as distinctly lens-shaped, and do not appear to be tectonically constrained (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002; Forey et al. 2003). It is likely that these limestones formed within a pre-existing palaeo-basin on top of the underlying, gently sloping, clinoform, shallow-marine platform (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002; Forey et al. 2003). Dalla Vecchia et al. (2002) postulated that the fossiliferous basin was probably restricted, with associated stagnant water and oxygen depletion; there is also little evidence of coarse sediment input and a rarity of planktonic and nektonic organisms. Furthermore, they reported that there is evidence, based on crystalline overgrowths of plant material, to suggest hypersalinity, although this hypothesis requires further investigation (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002). Unlike the two previously described Lagerstätten, there are no distinct fossil ‘hotspots’ at Nammoura (Forey et al. 2003) and a lack of ‘mass mortality’ fossils, so the stagnant, hypersaline water could have been a ‘passive’ kill mechanism. Interestingly, Dalla Vecchia et al. (2002) found little evidence of rapid inputs of sediment, suggesting that rapid burial could not be a kill mechanism at this site. Taphonomically, swift burial is often described as a prerequisite for soft tissue preservation (see Clements and Gabbott 2021); however, it is unlikely that carcasses were buried swiftly at Nammoura. Dalla Vecchia et al. (2002) suggested that the salinity and stagnant water may have inhibited scavenging and that cyanobacterial mats could act to trap macro-organic material and, in concert with the proposed anoxic hypersalinity, created conditions that retarded decay of soft tissues; however, Dalla Vecchia et al. (2002) pointed out that no sedimentary evidence of cyanobacterial mats has yet been identified.
The abundance of terrestrial organisms and plants has been used to suggest that Nammoura was proximal to the palaeocoast (Krassilov and Bacchia 2000; Rage and Escuillié 2000; Cau and Arduini 2008); however, palaeogeographical investigations indicate that the coast was hundreds of kilometres to the SE (Hückel 1970; Philip et al. 1993; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002). Dalla Vecchia et al. (2002) suggested that the shallow relief of the limestone platform would have been susceptible to eustatic oscillations, and that emergent carbonate islands may have acted (1) to restrict seawater flow into the Nammoura area, allowing hypersaline conditions to form, and (2) as a potential source of terrestrial fossils.
Sahel Aalma Lagerstätte
After Haqel, the second Lebanese Upper Cretaceous Lagerstätte to be described was Sahel Aalma (ساحل علما). This site yields spectacular fossils, many of which were collected during the 19th and early 20th century. Unfortunately, analysis of the depositional environment is limited, and future investigation will be difficult owing to lack of access today. Located approximately 20 km NE of Beirut, and 21 km SW of Haqel, the village of Sahel Aalma (علما ساحل , within the Keserwan–Jbeil Governorate) overlooks the sea (c. 1 km east of the shoreline) and is known for its traditional Lebanese houses and lemon tree groves. As for other Lebanese sites, there are spelling variations in the literature including ‘Sâhel Aalma’ (e.g. Dalla Vecchia et al. 2001) and, more commonly, ‘Sahel Alma’ (e.g. Capasso 2017). Sahel Aalma has a long human history of fossil discovery dating back to at least the Crusades (see Box 1). Sahel Aalma has historically been a well-collected site, with significant historical collections at several major European museums (see Boxes 3 and 4). The Sahel Aalma Lagerstätte preserves a diverse range of fossil marine organisms including high numbers of fish (including deep-water forms; e.g. Davis 1887; Gayet et al. 2003), crustaceans (e.g. Audo and Charbonnier 2013), encrusting epibionts (e.g. Petit and Charbonnier 2012), cartilaginous fishes (e.g. Werdelin 1986), coleoid cephalopods (including the oldest known octopus; e.g. Woodward 1883; Fuchs 2006) and arthropods (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2001; Capasso 2017). Most fossils appear as flattened compressions, although soft tissue fossils (phosphatized muscles, gills, etc.) have been frequently reported.
The age of the Sahel Aalma site is well constrained. A detailed investigation of the foraminifera assemblage was undertaken by Ejel and Dubertret (1966), who refined the period of deposition to be during the late Santonian, making it approximately 10 myr younger than Haqel and Hjoula. The fossiliferous outcrop at Sahel Aalma is relatively geographically small (Ejel and Dubertret 1966) and, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to access the outcrop. After the mediaeval monastery adjacent to the outcrop fell into ruin, the land was purchased by a private company, which restored the monastery as a hotel (Capasso 2017). Owing to the lack of access, modern palaeoenvironmental studies have not been undertaken, and so the depositional environment is even more poorly resolved than for Haqel and Hjoula. The host rock is described as a chalky laminated limestone (Ejel and Dubertret 1966; Audo and Charbonnier 2013) with a soft, fine, powdery texture (Capasso 2017), but there is little more information in the literature. Audo and Charbonnier (2013) suggested that, based on the faunal assemblage including deep-water arthropods and chondrichthyans, Sahel Aalma was probably deposited in water depths exceeding 150 m, which would be greater than the depths at Haqel and Hjoula.
Fossil groups
There are large numbers of fossil species that have been described from the four Upper Cretaceous Lebanese Lagerstätten (e.g. Figs 2–4). An in-depth description of all these species is beyond our scope; however, here we present brief overviews of several key fossil groups. There are several groups we do not cover here, including gastropods, bivalves, foraminifera and sea cucumbers (e.g. Hückel 1970; Krings and Mayr 2004; Reich 2004; Wippich and Lehmann 2004).
The majority of fossil plant descriptions from the Lebanese Lagerstätten are based on samples from Nammoura (e.g. Fig. 2f). Twelve species of ferns, gymnosperms (conifers and ginkgophytes) and angiosperms have been described from this locality, often represented by single leaves, small tufts and branches (Dilcherm and Basson 1990; Krassilov and Bacchia 2000; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002) although it is angiosperms, such as Sapindopsis, that dominate the floral association (Krassilov and Bacchia 2000; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002). Nammoura is the type locality for several species, including Nammouria cretacea and Nammourophyllum altingioides (Krassilov and Bacchia 2000). Interestingly, the flora found at Nammoura is substantially different from the Early Cretaceous and Turonian floras of other Middle Eastern fossil sites, and is, in fact, more closely related to coeval floras found in contemporaneous North American and central European sites (Krassilov and Bacchia 2000; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002). Many of the plants from Nammoura are xeromorphic (adapted to live in drought conditions), indicating that the climatic conditions of Cenomanian Lebanon may have been similar to the present-day Mediterranean climate (Krassilov and Bacchia 2000; Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002).
Arthropods are common in the Lebanese Lagerstätten, especially decapod crustaceans (Garassino 1994; Pasini and Garassino 2023; Fig. 3e). Some of the most studied are the ‘crest-bearing shrimps’ from Sahel Aalma, which have been the focus of several descriptive publications (e.g. Brocchi 1875; Audo and Charbonnier 2013). These charismatic arthropods are preserved as flattened composite impressions but commonly are associated with exquisite soft tissues such as muscles, gills, eyes, intestines with associated ingested matter and coprolites, and even preserved eggs (Audo and Charbonnier 2013). Multiple species of lobsters (Astacidea) have also been collected from the Haqel and Hjoula localities (Garassino 1994; Charbonnier et al. 2017a), including slipper lobsters (Scyllaridae). Studies of exceptionally well-preserved slipper lobster fossils, complete with their delicate petaloid antennae, from Hjoula have led to a greater understanding of the ontogeny and evolution of this captivating group (Haug et al. 2016). Another group that is uncommon in the fossil record but found in the Lebanese Lagerstätten are isopods, of which two different species have been reported from the Sahel Aalma locality: Cirolana garassinoi and C. cottreaui (Feldmann 2009; Feldmann and Charbonnier 2011). The Lebanese Lagerstätten also host a diverse selection of species of the Thylacocephala. Despite being one of the most enigmatic clades of arthropods, eight genera have been described from the Haqel, Hjoula and Sahel Aalma localities, and this represents most of the Cretaceous members of this mysterious clade (Dames 1886; Roger 1946; Lange et al. 2001; Charbonnier et al. 2017b). Exceptionally well-preserved specimens of horseshoe crabs (Xiphosurids, Tachypleus syriacus) have also been described from Haqel and Hjoula (Lamsdell and McKenzie 2015; Bicknell et al. 2019).
Terrestrial arthropods have also been found at the Lebanese Lagerstätten, predominantly insects from the Hjoula and Nammoura localities. These include a species of cockroach and many dragonflies (Nel et al. 2004; Vršanský and Makhoul 2013; Azar et al. 2019; Azar and Nel 2023). The large number of fossil insects recovered from these localities is unusual for Upper Cretaceous fossil sites, indicating that these outcrops are among some of the best in the world for collecting insect fossils of this age (Maksoud and Azar 2021).
Although polychaetes are rare in the fossil record, 17 species (in six families and seven genera) have been described from the Lebanese Lagerstätten by Bracchi and Alessandrello (2005). As would be expected, most of the Lebanese fossil examples are represented by only the recalcitrant parts of the organism (chaetae, jaws, etc.) occasionally associated with body outlines or impressions. However, several polychaete samples with remarkably preserved phosphatized musculature have been described (Bracchi and Alessandrello 2005). In fact, a polychaete specimen from Hjoula preserved with 3D phosphatized musculature has allowed the reconstruction of the body wall, gut and parapodia, allowing identification of the polychaete to the family level (Amphinomidae) (Parry et al. 2015).
Ectocochleate cephalopod fossils (ammonoids and nautiloids) have been found at all of the Lebanese Lagerstätten. Although the vast majority of these are isolated shells, it is not uncommon to find examples with in situ aptychi (jaws). Moreover, there are reports of ectocochleate cephalopod preserved with soft tissues from Lebanon. Wippich and Lehmann (2004) reported a heteromorphic ammonite from Haqel with in situ aptychi and potential soft tissue interpreted as a stomach with contents. Klug et al. (2021) reported two taphonomically wonderful fossil ‘mushes’ from Hjoula that are diagnosed as the fossilized internal anatomy of nautiloids (albeit sans shell). These fossils may represent the remains of a partially eaten (a pabulite) or scavenged nautiloid cephalopod but, in either case, further analyses may explain these bizarre taphomorphs.
One of the fossil ‘jewels’ of the Upper Cretaceous Lebanese Lagerstätten are the coleoid cephalopods (e.g. Fig. 3d, g and h). The first to be described by Woodward (1896) was Palaeoctopus newboldi, found at Sahel Aalma. Palaeoctopus was the oldest and only known pre-Cenozoic member of the octobrachia until Fuchs et al. (2009) described three new species of octobrachian cephalopods, themselves from the slightly older Haqel and Hjoula localities. Many of the eight-armed coleoid cephalopods from these sites, such as Keuppia and Styleoctopus, are phosphatically preserved with exceptional fidelity (see Fuchs et al. 2015; Box 2). The extensive work by Dirk Fuchs and colleagues to describe and interpret these fossils has been instrumental in furthering our understanding of the anatomy and evolution of these early crown group octopodes.
As scientists, analysing and interrogating the colonial legacy of palaeontology is a vital step to understand and take action against the inequalities within our field. As can be seen in Box 3, the data show that the overwhelming majority of Lebanese Lagerstätten fossil type material is reposited outside Lebanon and the number of Lebanese authors is not increasing (Fig. 5b). What steps can we take to counter scientific colonialism in regard to Lebanese fossils?
The obvious answer is to repatriate fossils but this is not a simple solution. Although decolonization through repatriation of fossils is a complex issue (see Cisneros et al. 2022), it is currently a growing conversation amongst the scientific community but also the overall public too (exemplified by the situation surrounding the Brazilian dinosaur ‘Ubirajara jubatus’; Cisneros et al. 2022; Stewens et al. 2022; Caetano et al. 2023). Repatriation of Lebanese fossils would allow researchers based at Lebanese institutions to work more readily on individual fossil specimens as well as fossil communities. This especially pertains to the material from the Sahel Aalma locality, as fossil collecting is now forbidden there (Capasso 2017). Having type material in Lebanon would drive non-Lebanese researchers to visit the country, fuelling knowledge and skill exchange, and increasing the likelihood of collaboration with local specialists who have access to and knowledge of the geography and location of sites, while also benefiting the local economy. Furthermore, repatriation would allow the Lebanese public easier access to their own natural heritage through museum exhibitions and other science-communication events. This exposure often drives engagement and interest, useful tools for local researchers to leverage for increased funding from local administrations. However, the continuing financial crisis within Lebanon is a major barrier to repatriation. There are almost no funds whatsoever to support local public museums and employ full-time palaeontology researchers, and public institutions in Lebanon would probably not be capable of adequately maintaining and curating large collections of fossils. Additionally, the increasing paucity of local experts (which, in large part, is a result of a perpetual cycle of scientific colonialism and parachute science; Cisneros et al. 2022; Raja et al. 2022) and lack of state-of-the-art scientific equipment (e.g. synchrotrons, electron microscopes, micro-CT scanners) would act to hinder research using the historical fossil collections. We feel that it is important to note that these issues should not be interpreted as justification for not addressing the colonial legacy but, instead, that they should be perceived as important considerations to be made in the pursuit of achieving a more equitable global research community.
In light of this, we would urge researchers who work on Lebanese material (especially material deposited in institutions outside Lebanon) to strive to create networks with Lebanese academics and local specialists. Strengthening research networks benefits all researchers involved to develop new skills and gain access to techniques and technologies not necessarily available in Lebanon. Increasing collaboration also helps local researchers to become competitive within the current grant application systems. Increased funding allows researchers to continue their work, while investing in infrastructure and scientific equipment, allowing more research, the ability to set up and maintain the collections, and the opportunity to train future generations of Lebanese early career researchers.
As a first step, we urge researchers who publish on Lebanese material to engage with Lebanese media and press. Creating Arabic abstracts, translating press releases into Arabic, and distributing such material to Lebanese media outlets will better disseminate key findings and help further promote a national interest in the natural heritage of Lebanon to the local community. Continued public interest will bring the scientific value of the Lebanese Lagerstätten into both the Lebanese and international spotlight, and can act to allow local Lebanese researchers to pressure local administrations for funding and to protect these vital fossil sites for future generations.
Although other coleoids, such as the vampyromorph Dorateuthis syrica, have been described from Sahel Aalma (Woodward 1883; Lukeneder and Harzhauser 2004), it should be noted that fossil decabrachians (squids) have not been found in the Lebanese Lagerstätten. These animals are known to have existed, and presumably lived in the region (Clements et al. 2016). The absence of this group is most probably a taphonomic bias related to their mode of life requiring increased levels of buoyancy control chemicals (such as ammonia), which would prevent their carcasses generating the conditions required for soft tissue phosphatization during decay (see Clements et al. 2016).
A recent paper described a stunningly preserved Myxinoidea (hagfish) from Hjoula (Miyashita et al. 2019). Tethymyxine tapirostrum represents one of the few known examples of a fossil hagfish, and is so well preserved that numerous soft tissues have been observed using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence, including cartilage, aspects of the branchial and digestive systems, slime glands and possibly a heart. The data obtained from this specimen have had a major impact on our understanding of the phylogenetic affinities of Cyclostomes (Miyashita et al. 2019).
Cappetta (1980a) provided the most comprehensive account of sharks from the Upper Cretaceous Lebanese Lagerstätten. His synopsis identified 20 species diagnosed from isolated teeth as well as partial and complete skeletons, which is significant considering the otherwise tooth-dominated fossil record of sharks (Cappetta 2012). This makes the Lebanese Lagerstätten deposits some of the best in the world for studying sharks from the final stages of the Mesozoic. Notably, these have yielded individual shark species from different ontogenetic stages, body size classes and ecological niches, and on occasion the preservation of organ structures and possible biomolecules. From the Sahel Aalma locality, a total of 14 species have been described so far, including two mitsukurinid lamniforms (Davis 1887; Arambourg 1952; Fig. 2i), two hemiscylliid orectolobiforms (Pictet and Humbert 1866; Signeux 1949), three scyliorhinids (Fig. 2e) and one triakid carcharhiniforms (Davis 1887; Cappetta 1980a), two somniosids and two squalid squaliforms (Pictet 1850; Davis 1887; Signeux 1950; Feichtinger et al. 2022), one pristiophorid pristiophoriform (Woodward 1932; Fig. 3f) and at least one hexanchid hexanchiform (Davis 1887; Cappetta 1980a). Conversely, four species have been described from Haqel; these include Pseudocorax kindlimanni (Jambura et al. 2021), Cantioscyllium decipiens (Pfeil 2013), Mesiteia emiline (Cappetta 1980a) and Pararhincodon lehmani (Cappetta 1980a). The orectolobiform Cantioscyllium decipiens has also been described from Hjoula (Pfeil 2013). Pfeil (2021) recently illustrated and briefly commented on additional material recovered from all aforementioned localities, including Nammoura, which have produced two species of lamniforms including Haimirichia amonensis and Squalicorax sp. Based on the listed taxa provided by Pfeil (2021), the Hjoula locality has the highest taxonomic diversity of sharks, and Nammoura has the least. It is worth noting that despite some taxonomic similarity between the sites, squatiniforms are found only from Haqel, heterodontiforms only from Hjoula, and pristiophoriforms and hexanchiforms only from Sahel Aalma, an indication of bathymetric and habitat differences.
Batomorpha is present across all of the Lebanese Lagerstätten, often preserved with articulated skeletons, including rajids (skates) from Haqel and Hjoula (e.g. Figs 2h and 3b) and Raja davisi from Sahel Aalma (Davis 1887; Fowler 1958). Several species of Rhinobatidae (guitarfish) have been recovered from Haqel and Sahel Aalma (Davis 1887; Woodward 1889; Cappetta 1980b; Brito and Dutheil 2004; Kachacha et al. 2017). Beautifully articulated fossils of the extinct clade Cyclobatidae are represented by at least three species of Cyclobatis that are frequently found at Hjoula, Haqel and Nammoura (Egerton 1844; Davis 1887; Cappetta 1980b). Other iconic Lebanese batomorph fossils include those of the Sclerorhynchoidei or ‘sawskates’ (Greenfield 2021). Two species of these rajiform rays have been described from Hjoula and are, unlike most fossil examples of this group, known to be fully articulated with preserved musculature and distinct body outlines (Hay 1903; Cappetta 1980b).
Chimaeriformes (chimaera or ghost sharks) are known from the Sahel Aalma locality. This material is rare and has been attributed to one species, Harriotta lehmani, although there are fossil remains of a larger, indeterminate species (Werdelin 1986).
Bony fishes
Historically, the Upper Cretaceous Lebanese Lagerstätten are famous for the quality and quantity of actinopterygian fossils found here. The ichthyofauna of all four sites described in this review is dominated by crown-group teleosts; however, the latimeriid sarcopterygian Macropomoides orientalis has been recovered from both Haqel and Hjoula (Woodward 1942), and exceedingly rare amiaforms (stem-bowfins) have been found at Haqel (Pictet 1850; Davis 1887; El Hossny et al. 2020). Probable stem-teleost taxa are also known from the Upper Cretaceous of Lebanon, including three subclades of the extinct Pycnodontiformes; the Coccodontidae, Gebrayelichthyidae, Gladiopycnodontidae and Pycnodontidae, all of which are endemic to the Cenomanian of Lebanon (Poyato-Ariza and Wenz 2005; Taverne and Capasso 2014a, b, 2015, 2020; Cawley and Kriwet 2019). Other probable stem-teleost examples include the Aspidorhynchiformes (shield-snout forms), which are long, barracuda-like fish notable for their elongated rostrums formed from fused premaxillae, and have been found in Nammoura (Agassiz 1833–43; Forey et al. 2003). There are also icthyodectiforms, such as Eubiodectus libanicus, known from Haqel, Hjoula and Nammoura (Pictet and Humbert 1866; Forey et al. 2003). Many clades of probable crown-teleosts are represented in the Lebanese Lagerstätten, and have been extensively covered in other reviews (see Forey et al. 2003). Similar to the pcynodontiformes, the Protobramidae (a subclade of the extinct Tselfatiiformes) are endemic to the Cenomanian seas of present-day Lebanon (Taverne and Gayet 2005). Five members of the Pantodontidae, which has one living representative, have also been described from Lebanon (Taverne and Capasso 2012; Taverne 2021). Members of Elopomorpha are found as fossils in Lebanon, including Megalopidae (tarpons), Albulidae (bonefishes) and Anguilliformes (eels), all of which have been recovered from the four localities focused on in this review (e.g. Woodward 1901; Hay 1903; Goody 1969; Forey 1973; Belouze et al. 2003; Forey et al. 2003). Among the most fascinating fossil elopomorphs from Lebanon is the oldest known species of Notacanthidae (deep-sea spiny eel), Pronotacanthus sahelalmae, from Sahel Aalma (Davis 1887; Sepkoski 2002).
Members of the Clupeidae (herrings and sprats) have been reported from Haqel and Hjoula, and Chanidae (milkfish) are known from Haqel and Sahel Aalma (Heckel 1849; Pictet and Humbert 1866; Davis 1887; Woodward 1901; Gayet 1993). A wide variety of species belonging to Aulopiformes (lizard fish) are known from all four localities, including the armoured Spinascutichthys pankowskiae from Nammoura (Davis 1887; Forey et al. 2003; Murray et al. 2022) and the beautiful flying fish-like Exocoetoides minor and Cheirothrix spp. from both Haqel and Hjoula (e.g. Fig. 3c). Cheirothrix lewisii (Davis 1887) has wonderfully preserved enlarged pectoral fins and ventral lobe of the tail fin. It is hypothesized that Cheirothrix was able to make self-propelled leaps out of the water and then glide short distances, similar to the extant Exocoetidae. Members of Myctophiformes (relatives of the modern deep-sea lanternfish and blackchins) are also known from Haqel, Hjoula and Sahel Aalma (Woodward 1901; Hay 1903; Forey et al. 2003). Finally, there are numerous species of Acanthomorpha known from all four localities, many of which are close relatives of lampriformes (oarfish, ribbonfish, etc.), Polymixiidae (beardfishes), beryciforms and trachichthyiforms (Davis 1887; Forey et al. 2003; Delbarre et al. 2016).
Marine reptiles
The Lebanese Lagerstätten have yielded several specimens of marine squamates. Among the most scientifically important of these are the four-legged and long-tailed Pontosaurus (Dal Sasso and Renesto 1999; Caldwell and Dal Sasso 2004; Caldwell 2006). At least one specimen of this genus, found in Nammoura, consists of a complete skeleton preserved with an extensive number of scales that differ in size and shape (Caldwell and Dal Sasso 2004). Additionally, the four-legged and long-tailed marine lizard Aphanizocnemus libanensis is probably from the Lebanese Lagerstätten, but it is unknown which locality it is from (Dal Sasso and Pinna 1997; Dal Sasso and Renesto 1999). Another wonderful Lebanese reptile fossil is the transitional form Eupodophis descouensi, a species of marine snake that had vestigial hind limbs, and has been described from Nammoura (Rage and Escuillié 2000). Additional specimens of this species have been recovered from Haqel (Rieppel and Head 2004).
The only testudine to be described from the Lebanese Lagerstätten is the beautifully preserved holotype of the protostegid chelonioid Rhinochelys nammourensis found at Nammoura (Tong et al. 2006). Its taxonomic placement is uncertain, as recent analysis by Scavezzoni and Fischer (2018) has recovered it as more closely related to Notochelone, Protostega and other protostegids than to European species of Rhinochelys (including the type species). Other Lebanese turtle fossils (known to the authors) exist in private collections and are currently undescribed (e.g. Fig. 3i).
Pterosaurs, avialans and potential dinosaurs
Despite their fragmentary nature, pterosaurs from the Lebanese Lagerstätten are among the best known from the Levant region during this time period (Arambourg 1954; Frey and Martill 1996; Tchernov et al. 1996; Pentland and Poropat 2023). One example is a partial forelimb recovered from Haqel, which has been assigned to Pteranodontoidea indet. (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2001). A more complete pterosaur specimen recovered from Hjoula consisting of various postcranial bones was later described as Microtuban altivolans. This represents one of the few non-azhdarchid azhdarchoids from the Late Cretaceous (Elgin and Frey 2011). The best preserved pterosaur from the Lebanese Lagerstätten is Mimodactylus libanensis. The holotype, found at Hjoula, is an almost complete skeleton and is the namesake of the clade Mimodactylidae (Kellner et al. 2019).
The only avian species described from the Lebanese Lagerstätten is the avisaurid enantiornithine Enantiophoenix electrophyla. The holotype was recovered from Nammoura, and consists of disarticulated postcranial elements as well as carbonized feather remains (Cau and Arduini 2008). The original description of the holotype is the first record of a Mesozoic avialan from northern Gondwana (Dalla Vecchia and Chiappe 2003). Isolated fossil feathers have also been found at Nammoura (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002). Lastly, there is a report of a theropod dinosaur manus from Nammoura; however, its whereabouts are currently unknown and it is considered lost to science (Dalla Vecchia et al. 2002).
Summary and further work
The vast diversity of organisms and the exceptional fidelity of preservation of the fossils found in the Upper Cretaceous Lagerstätten of Lebanon have been a subject of fascination for over 1600 years. However, there is still much that is unknown about the organisms and the palaeoenvironments of the Lebanese Lagerstätten. For some taxa, their most recent descriptions are from over a hundred years ago (e.g. Lewis 1878; Woodward 1901; Hay 1903), and several descriptions are not in English, creating a potential barrier to dissemination of results. With the application of modern analytical techniques (electron microscopy, UV investigation, chemical analyses, etc.) detailed anatomical re-evaluation of taxa can be undertaken, greatly expanding our knowledge of the anatomy of Cretaceous species, and helping to elucidate their phylogenetic relationships and modes of preservation. Furthermore, the diversity of organisms found in the Lebanese Lagerstätten (and the large number of taxa that are endemic to these Lagerstätten) allows for large dataset investigations. For instance, network analyses have recently been utilized to uncover food web structure in well-preserved fossil communities (e.g. Swain et al. 2021), and considering how many taxa are known from the Lebanese localities, especially Haqel and/or Hjoula, such investigations could help clarify trophic interactions in the Cretaceous.
Moreover, despite the amount of fossiliferous material available for study in museums around the world, few studies have investigated the depositional palaeoenvironments of the Upper Cretaceous Lebanese Lagerstätten. Site-specific investigations are required, including detailed geological mapping, sedimentological analysis, chemostratigraphy and taphonomic work. This work would constrain the depositional environments and could examine untested hypotheses commonly cited in the literature, such as the almost 50-year-old red tides kill mechanism hypothesis (Hemleben 1977). These investigations should also be used as an opportunity to develop local Lebanese palaeontology, collaborate with Lebanese palaeontologists and celebrate the magnificent Lebanese Lagerstätten.
The Arabic abstract was largely written by S. Stephanos, and edited by S. Stephanos, H.G., T.E.H. and M.B. with contribution from F. Saleh. We would like to thank A. Clements, E. Dunne, E. Bernard, Z. Hughes, S. Maksoud, S. Wheatley and J. Knüppe for their assistance with development of the paper. Thanks go to P. Donoghue for inviting this review, and to F. Saleh for a constructive review of the text, figures and Arabic abstract. NHMUK photographs copyright belongs to The Trustees of the Natural History Museum. This is Paleobiology Database official publication number 490
Author contributions
HG: conceptualization (lead), data curation (supporting), investigation (lead), writing – original draft (lead), writing – review & editing (lead); MB: conceptualization (supporting), data curation (supporting), formal analysis (equal), investigation (supporting), methodology (supporting), writing – original draft (supporting); TEH: conceptualization (supporting), investigation (supporting), writing – original draft (supporting), writing – review & editing (supporting); NA: conceptualization (supporting), data curation (lead), formal analysis (lead), investigation (supporting), methodology (lead), writing – original draft (supporting); PAS: conceptualization (supporting), writing – original draft (supporting); TC: conceptualization (lead), data curation (lead), formal analysis (lead), investigation (lead), methodology (supporting), writing – original draft (lead), writing – review & editing (lead).
H.G. is funded by a University of Bristol PhD Scholarship. T.C. is funded by a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship (ECF-2019-097). M.B. is funded by a Wallenberg Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship KAW 2022.0330.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper
Data availability
All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article and its supplementary information file.