Laterites preserved on both sides of the Western Ghats Escarpment of Peninsular India have formed by long-term lateritic weathering essentially after India–Seychelles continental break-up following Deccan Traps emplacement (c. 63 myr ago). Supergene manganese ores of the Western Ghats were formed on Late Archean manganese protores. Among Mn oxides composing the ores, cryptomelane (K-rich Mn oxide) was characterized and dated by 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Measured ages complement those previously obtained in other South Indian manganese ores from the hinterland plateau and further document three major weathering periods, c. 53–44, c. 39–22 and c. 14–10 Ma, the last being documented for the first time in India. These periods coincide with global palaeoclimatic proxies and date the lateritic weathering of three successive palaeolandscapes of the Western Ghats that evolved under slow denudation (c. 8 m Ma−1) over the last 44 myr and were mostly incised during the Neogene (<22 Ma). This indicates that the Western Ghats are a relict of a South Indian plateau preserved at the headwaters of very long east-flowing river systems and above the Western Ghats Escarpment. Topography and denudation history of this landscape do not require Neogene tilt of the Peninsula as recently proposed.
Supplementary material: Full details of field and sample description, methods and analytical data including electron probe microanalyses of cryptomelane, and isotopic analyses and degassing spectra of irradiated cryptomelane grains are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4726661