The Raahe–Ladoga Shear Complex is a major crustal structure representing the Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic boundary in the Fennoscandian Shield. The complex developed during the Svecofennian Orogeny (c. 1.9 – 1.8 Ga) beginning with regional thrust tectonic phases D1 and D2, followed by large-scale shearing events D3 and D4. The Pielavesi Shear Zone is a vertical north–south-trending shear zone within the Raahe–Ladoga Shear Complex formed during regional D3 shearing and later reactivated during the regional D4 phase. Three north–south-trending elongate granitoid intrusions were selected as representative of silicic melts that intruded the transtensional Pielavesi Shear Zone during the regional D3 phase. The oriented magmatic fabric of the granitoids indicates that they intruded coeval to the deformation event. The zircon U–(Th)–Pb secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) ages of these intrusions (1888 ± 4, 1884 ± 6 and 1883 ± 5 Ma) overlap within error and provide a direct age for the regional D3 deformation. εHf(T) (−1.1 to +3.4) and εNd(T) (−1.2 to +0.4) values from these granitoids are both consistent with a predominantly juvenile source affected by a minor Archaean component. U–(Th)–Pb SIMS analyses of metamorphic monazite formed within a crosscutting blastomylonite provide an age for the regional D4 phase and associated fluid activity of 1793 ± 3 Ma.
Supplementary material: Analytical methods and tabulated analytical data are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3498501