Critical raw materials (CRM) will be a cornerstone of the energy transition. CRM were recognised early by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a prime part of the mitigation effort for climate change, and as such research into the genesis of key metals, as well as the sustainability of their mining should be a priority. However, research is geopolitically influenced by the security of supply concerns of nations or economic groups of nations such as the EU, Japan, USA and China. Many research networks and programs are aimed at resource security; and where collaboration does exist it is along geopolitical lines, potentially disadvantaging developing countries and their efforts to implement UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). This contrasts with efforts in research such as those of the IPCC which are more collaborative and suited to rising to global challenges. We suggest that international organisations such as the International Union of Geological Sciences with its long international history, SDG focus, and new focus on data (through the Deep-time Digital Earth program) should be involved in research prioritisation unhindered by geopolitical considerations. Like climate change, the challenge of critical raw materials is too big to tackle in a competitive, geopolitically-influenced manner.

Thematic collection: This article is part of the The energy-critical metals for a low carbon transition collection available at:

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