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The most important North Sea Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous lithostratigraphic units, as developed in the UK, Norway and Danish sectors, are summarized in this chapter (55 units from the UK, 25 from Norway and 10 from Denmark). Some significant issues remain with the use and application of lithostratigraphic terminology in the Jurassic of the North Sea Basin. In particular, there are inconsistencies in unit definition and nomenclature changes across country sector boundaries that obscure the recognition of regional stratigraphic patterns that exist across the region. To aid clarity and to overcome some issues of definition, some revisions are made to the existing lithostratigraphic schemes. Several informal lithostratigraphic units are described, a number of unit definitions are revised and various formerly informal units are formalized (Buzzard Sandstone Member, Ettrick Sandstone Member and Galley Sandstone Member). It is recommended that use of the Heno Formation in offshore Denmark is discontinued. In addition, four new lithostratigraphic member terms are introduced (Home Sandstone Member, North Ettrick Sandstone Member, Gyda Sandstone Member and Tambar Sandstone Member). All described units are placed into a sequence stratigraphic context. All significant lithostratigraphic boundaries conform with key sequence stratigraphic surfaces.

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