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Core Values: the Role of Core in Twenty-first Century Reservoir Characterization
Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Core Values: the Role of Core in Twenty-first Century Reservoir Characterization
L. S. Williams;
L. S. Williams
Rockhopper Exploration PLC
, UK
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S. J. Dee;
S. J. Dee
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd.
, UK
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T. J. H. Dodd;
T. J. H. Dodd
British Geological Survey
, UK
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J. D. Marshall
J. D. Marshall
Skrinkle Reservoir Geology Ltd.
, UK
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Geological Society of London
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London
© 2022 The Author(s)
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Publication date:
November 17, 2023
Through state-of-the-art reviews and case studies this volume illustrates how innovative technologies, approaches and thinking continue to reinvent the value of both newly-acquired and legacy core for subsurface evaluation. Such an assessment is timely given that the sector sits at a pivotal point in terms of changing economics, demographics, skillsets and energy solutions.
Core Values: the Role of Core in Twenty-first Century Reservoir Characterization
Editor(s): A. Neal, M. Ashton, L. S. Williams, S. J. Dee, T. J. H. Dodd, J. D. Marshall
ISBN (print): 9781786205759
ISBN (electronic): 9781786209597
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Published: 2023
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Table of Contents
The role of core in twenty-first century reservoir characterization: an introductionAuthor(s)Adrian Neal;Adrian Neal1Badley Ashton, Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PB,UK*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Michael Ashton;Michael Ashton2Ashton Geology Ltd, The Glades, Festival Way, Festival Park, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST1 5SQ,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Mike Bowman;Mike Bowman3School of Natural Sciences, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PY,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Caroline Y. Hern;Caroline Y. Hern4Shell Exploration & Production Company, 150 North Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77079,USASearch for other works by this author on:Bruce LevellBruce Levell5Department of Earth Sciences, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3AN,UKSearch for other works by this author on:
Core acquisition and laboratory-based core analysis
An operator view on trends in core acquisitionAuthor(s)Dave Saucier;
Core analysis in a changing world – how technology is radically benefiting the methodology to acquire, the ability to visualize and the ultimate value of core dataAuthor(s)Craig Lindsay;Craig Lindsay1Core Specialist Services Ltd, Unit 4, Grandholm Crescent, Aberdeen AB22 8AA,UK*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Steffen Berg;Steffen Berg3Shell Global Solutions International BV, Lange Kleiweg 40, 2288 ER Rijswijk,The NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:Samuel Krevor;Samuel Krevor4Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Raymond Pols;Raymond Pols5Craytive Technologies, Oosthavenkade 39, 3134 NW Vlaardingen,The NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:June HillJune Hill6CSIRO, 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Perth, WA 6151,AustraliaSearch for other works by this author on:
Multi-sensor core scanning and associated AI technologies
The use of a multi-sensor core scanner workflow as the backbone of a digital core repositoryAuthor(s)James William ShreeveJames William ShreeveSearch for other works by this author on:
Unlocking national treasures: the core scanning approachAuthor(s)M. Damaschke;
The application of hyperspectral core imaging for oil and gasAuthor(s)Paul Linton;Paul Linton1Terracore, 5301 Longley Lane, Suite 157, Reno, NV 89509,USA*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Tobi Kosanke;Tobi Kosanke2Crazy K Farm, 28384 Mellman Rd., Hempstead, TX 77445,USASearch for other works by this author on:James Greene;James Greene3Nutech, 4101 Interwood N Pkwy, Suite 250, Houston, TX 77032,USASearch for other works by this author on:Benjamin PorterBenjamin Porter1Terracore, 5301 Longley Lane, Suite 157, Reno, NV 89509,USASearch for other works by this author on:
High-resolution core data and machine learning schemes applied to rock facies classificationAuthor(s)Tanguy Lhomme;
CoreScore: a machine learning approach to assess legacy core conditionAuthor(s)Mark Fellgett;Andrew KingdonAndrew KingdonSearch for other works by this author on:
Core for sedimentological and structural reservoir characterization
Using core to reduce risk and deliver added business value throughout field life: a carbonate reservoir focusAuthor(s)Anna MatthewsAnna MatthewsSearch for other works by this author on:
The value of integrated core–CT–BHI data in characterizing aeolian dune geometries and effects of cross-cutting deformation bands: implications for permeability architectureAuthor(s)Andrea James;Andrea James1Badley Ashton and Associates, Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire,UK*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Meriem Bertouche;Meriem Bertouche1Badley Ashton and Associates, Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Nicolas Foote;Nicolas Foote1Badley Ashton and Associates, Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Caroline Y. HernCaroline Y. Hern2Shell Woodcreek Facility, 150 North Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77079,USASearch for other works by this author on:
An integrated study of core and borehole image data: palaeokarst development in late Permian siliceous dolomites and the structural evolution of the Loppa High from the Gohta discovery well, SW Barents ShelfAuthor(s)Peter Gutteridge;Peter Gutteridge1Cambridge Carbonates Ltd, No. 4, The Courtyard 707, Warwick Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3DA,UK*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Joanna Garland;Joanna Garland1Cambridge Carbonates Ltd, No. 4, The Courtyard 707, Warwick Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3DA,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Niels Rameil;Niels Rameil2Lundin Energy Norway AS, Strandveien 4, 1366 Lysaker,NorwaySearch for other works by this author on:Mike Charnock;Mike Charnock2Lundin Energy Norway AS, Strandveien 4, 1366 Lysaker,NorwaySearch for other works by this author on:Israel Polonio MartínIsrael Polonio Martín2Lundin Energy Norway AS, Strandveien 4, 1366 Lysaker,NorwaySearch for other works by this author on:
Integrated borehole image and rotary sidewall core data to support infrastructure-led appraisal: Capercaillie Field, Central North SeaAuthor(s)Adrian Neal;Adrian Neal1Badley Ashton, Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PB,UK*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Andrea James;Andrea James1Badley Ashton, Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PB,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Dorothy Payne;Dorothy Payne1Badley Ashton, Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6PB,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Michael Ashton;Michael Ashton2Ashton Geology Ltd, The Glades, Festival Way, Festival Park, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST1 5SQ,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Niek van den Beukel;Niek van den Beukel3BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd, 1 Wellheads Av., Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 7PB,UKSearch for other works by this author on:David StorerDavid Storer3BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd, 1 Wellheads Av., Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 7PB,UKSearch for other works by this author on:
The value of core in mature field development – examples from the UK North SeaAuthor(s)Sean Kelly;Sean Kelly1EnQuest PLC, Aberdeen,UK*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:R. H. Worden;R. H. Worden2University of Liverpool, Liverpool,UKSearch for other works by this author on:
The Mondot-1 Core, Aínsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees: a deltaic reservoir teaching set with augmented realityAuthor(s)John D. Marshall;John D. Marshall1Skrinkle Reservoir Geology, Neaves Cottage, Henfield BN5 9QU,UK*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Jürgen Grötsch;Jürgen Grötsch2Shell Global Solutions International BV, Kessler Building, Lange Kleiweg 40, 2288 Rijswijk,NetherlandsSearch for other works by this author on:Michael C. PöppelreiterMichael C. Pöppelreiter3Shell Kuwait Exploration and Production BV, KWT-OC, S 618008,KuwaitSearch for other works by this author on:
Structural core observations in a siliciclastic reservoir-scale frameworkAuthor(s)Haakon FossenHaakon FossenSearch for other works by this author on:
The critical role of core in understanding hydraulic fracturingAuthor(s)Julia Fiona Wells Gale;Stephen E. LaubachStephen E. LaubachSearch for other works by this author on:
Legacy core collections
The UK National Geological Repository: a case study in innovationAuthor(s)Michael P. A. HoweMichael P. A. HoweSearch for other works by this author on:
U.S. Geological Survey Core Research Center: a gateway to subsurface discovery for geoscience researchAuthor(s)Jeannine Honey;Dawn IvisDawn IvisSearch for other works by this author on:
Core, the energy transition and the evolving role of earth scientists
Value of core for reservoir and top-seal analysis for carbon capture and storage projectsAuthor(s)Richard H. WordenRichard H. WordenSearch for other works by this author on:
Using legacy core material to assess subsurface carbon storage reservoir potentialityAuthor(s)Ryan L. Payton;Ryan L. Payton1Clastic Sedimentology Investigation (CSI), Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX,UK*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Domenico Chiarella;Domenico Chiarella1Clastic Sedimentology Investigation (CSI), Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX,UKSearch for other works by this author on:Andrew KingdonAndrew Kingdon2British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG,UKSearch for other works by this author on:
Making the most out of historical cores for geothermal explorationAuthor(s)Kanchan Dasgupta;Kanchan Dasgupta1TECH Center & Lab, OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Gänserndorf 2230,Austria*Correspondence: [email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Thomas Gumpenberger;Thomas Gumpenberger1TECH Center & Lab, OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Gänserndorf 2230,AustriaSearch for other works by this author on:Gerald Stern;Gerald Stern2Low Carbon Business, OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Vienna 1020,AustriaSearch for other works by this author on:Wolfgang Siedl;Wolfgang Siedl2Low Carbon Business, OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Vienna 1020,AustriaSearch for other works by this author on:Magdalena BiernatMagdalena Biernat1TECH Center & Lab, OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Gänserndorf 2230,AustriaSearch for other works by this author on:
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