The Chalk Aquifers of Northern Europe

The Cretaceous Chalk aquifers of Northern Europe underlie and support many sensitive ecosystems whilst at the same time being an important source of drinking water. This volume brings together the outcomes of numerous projects and case studies to provide the latest applied and theoretical understanding of all aspects of Chalk hydrogeology in Northern Europe.
Advances in conceptualizing transport in chalk aquifers
Published:September 07, 2023
The conceptualizations of matrix, fracture and fissure porosity are important for understanding relative controls on storage and flow of groundwater, and the transport of solutes (and non-aqueous phase liquids) within chalk aquifers. However, these different types of porosity, rather than being entirely distinct, represent elements in a continuum of void sizes contributing to the total porosity of the aquifer. Here we define such a continuum and critically examine the selection of appropriate values of effective porosity, a widely used parameter for mass transport modelling in aquifers. Effective porosity is a transient phenomenon, related to the porosity continuum by the timescales under which mass transport occurs. An analysis of 55 tracer tests and 20 well inflow tests in English Chalk aquifers identifies spatial scaling in groundwater velocity and groundwater flow respectively, which are interpreted within the context of the wider literature on carbonate aquifers globally. We advance transport modelling in the Chalk by developing a fissure aperture velocity mapping method using transmissivity data from existing regional groundwater models, together with the identified transient and spatial scaling phenomena. The results show that chalk aquifers exhibit widespread rapid groundwater flow which may transport contaminants rapidly in almost any setting.
- aquifers
- carbonate rocks
- chalk
- Chalk Aquifer
- England
- Europe
- flowmeters
- fluid flow
- Great Britain
- ground water
- monitoring
- movement
- numerical models
- porosity
- sedimentary rocks
- solute transport
- solution
- surface water
- tracers
- transport
- United Kingdom
- velocity
- water management
- water quality
- water storage
- Western Europe