Volcanism in Antarctica: 200 Million Years of Subduction, Rifting and Continental Break-up

This memoir is the first to review all of Antarctica's volcanism between 200 million years ago and the Present. The region is still volcanically active. The volume is an amalgamation of in-depth syntheses, which are presented within distinctly different tectonic settings. Each is described in terms of (1) the volcanology and eruptive palaeoenvironments; (2) petrology and origin of magma; and (3) active volcanism, including tephrochronology. Important volcanic episodes include: astonishingly voluminous mafic and felsic volcanic deposits associated with the Jurassic break-up of Gondwana; the construction and progressive demise of a major Jurassic to Present continental arc, including back-arc alkaline basalts and volcanism in a young ensialic marginal basin; Miocene to Pleistocene mafic volcanism associated with post-subduction slab-window formation; numerous Neogene alkaline volcanoes, including the massive Erebus volcano and its persistent phonolitic lava lake, that are widely distributed within and adjacent to one of the world's major zones of lithospheric extension (the West Antarctic Rift System); and very young ultrapotassic volcanism erupted subglacially and forming a world-wide type example (Gaussberg).
Chapter 5.4b Marie Byrd Land and Ellsworth Land: petrology
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Published:May 27, 2021
K. S. Panter, T. I. Wilch, J. L. Smellie, P. R. Kyle, W. C. McIntosh, 2021. "Chapter 5.4b Marie Byrd Land and Ellsworth Land: petrology", Volcanism in Antarctica: 200 Million Years of Subduction, Rifting and Continental Break-up, J. L. Smellie, K. S. Panter, A. Geyer
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In Marie Byrd Land and Ellsworth Land 19 large polygenetic volcanoes and numerous smaller centres are exposed above the West Antarctic Ice Sheet along the northern flank of the West Antarctic Rift System. The Cenozoic (36.7 Ma to active) volcanism of the Marie Byrd Land Volcanic Group (MBLVG) encompasses the full spectrum of alkaline series compositions ranging from basalt to intermediate (e.g. mugearite, benmoreite) to phonolite, peralkaline trachyte, rhyolite and rare pantellerite. Differentiation from basalt is described by progressive fractional crystallization; however, to produce silica-oversaturated compositions two mechanisms are proposed: (1) polybaric fractionation with early-stage removal of amphibole at high pressures; and (2) assimilation–fractional crystallization to explain elevated 87Sr/86Sri ratios. Most basalts are silica-undersaturated and enriched in incompatible trace elements (e.g. La/YbN >10), indicating small degrees of partial melting of a garnet-bearing mantle. Mildly silica-undersaturated and rare silica-saturated basalts, including tholeiites, are less enriched (La/YbN <10), a result of higher degrees of melting. Trace elements and isotopes (Sr, Nd, Pb) reveal a regional gradient explained by mixing between two mantle components, subduction-modified lithosphere and HIMU-like plume (206Pb/204Pb >20) materials. Geophysical studies indicate a deep thermal anomaly beneath central Marie Byrd Land, suggesting a plume influence on volcanism and tectonism.
- alkaline earth metals
- Antarctic ice sheet
- Antarctica
- basalts
- Cenozoic
- Ellsworth Land
- fractional crystallization
- high pressure
- igneous rocks
- isotope ratios
- isotopes
- magmas
- mantle
- mantle plumes
- Marie Byrd Land
- metals
- pantellerite
- partial melting
- phonolites
- pressure
- rhyolites
- Sr-87/Sr-86
- stable isotopes
- strontium
- thermal anomalies
- trace elements
- trachytes
- volcanic fields
- volcanic rocks
- volcanism
- volcanoes
- West Antarctic ice sheet
- West Antarctic Rift System
- Fosdick Mountains volcanic field
- Crary Mountains volcanic field
- Hobbs Coast volcanic field