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Since Jurassic time (c. 200 Ma), Antarctica has had a greater diversity of volcanism than other southern continents. It includes: (1) voluminous mafic and felsic volcanism associated with the break-up of Gondwana; (2) a long-lived continental margin volcanic arc, including back-arc alkaline volcanism linked to slab rollback; (3) small-volume mafic alkaline volcanism associated with slab-window formation; and (4) one of Earth's major continental rift zones, the West Antarctic Rift System (WARS), with its numerous large alkaline central volcanoes. Several of Antarctica's volcanoes are still active. This chapter is a review of the major volcanic episodes and their principal characteristics, in their tectonic, volcanological and palaeoenvironmental contexts. Jurassic Gondwana break-up was associated with large-scale volcanism that caused global environmental changes and associated mass extinctions. The volcanic arc was a major extensional arc characterized by alternating volcanic flare-ups and lulls. The Neogene rift-related alkaline volcanism is dominated by effusive glaciovolcanic eruptions, overwhelmingly as both pāhoehoe- and ‘a‘ā-sourced lava-fed deltas. The rift is conspicuously poor in pyroclastic rocks due to the advection and removal of tephra erupted during glacial intervals. Volcanological investigations of the Neogene volcanism have also significantly increased our knowledge of the critical parameters and development of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

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