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The flooding of the Lower Jurassic shelf in the North Gondwana Palaeomargin during the early Toarcian occurred on a fragmented and irregular topography affected by differential subsidence – owing to the activity of listric faults along the North–South Axis of Tunisia – that favoured lateral changes in facies and thickness at a kilometric scale. The onset of Toarcian sedimentation (Polymorphum ammonite Zone, NJT5c nannofossil Subzone) in two adjacent sections was characterized by the deposition of limestones under high-energy conditions. The Châabet El Attaris section was located in a depressed sub-basin, and recorded restricted environmental conditions owing to water stagnation and an oxygen-depleted sea bottom. Therefore, dark mudstones developed, with increased total organic carbon contents and enhanced accumulation of redox-sensitive elements. The sedimentation of limestones bearing gutter cast structures is related to gravity flows probably linked to storm activities. These processes favoured the remobilization of sediments at the seafloor, as well as oxygen input to bottom waters, as shown by the record of trace fossils including Zoophycos, Ophiomorpha, and secondarily, Chondrites and Diplocraterion. The thinly interbedded dark mudstones are locally rich in thin-shelled bivalves that re-colonized the sea bottom after the sedimentation of these high-energy deposits, and subsequently underwent mass mortality related to the return of oxygen-depleted conditions. The Kef El Hassine section is located in the upper part of a tilted, less subsident block, as indicated by its reduced thickness compared with the Châabet El Attaris section; the absence of dark mudstones implies oxic conditions. The Polymorphum Zone consists of limestones showing evidence of sedimentation under high-energy conditions, along with hardgrounds. The occurrence of Zoophycos (deep-tiers) in the upper part of some limestone beds of the Polymorphum Zone is linked to minor erosive processes. The top of the high-energy sequence – below the deposits of a marly interval corresponding to the Levisoni Zone – is interpreted as a hardground given the high content of belemnites and Arenicolites, some of them boring on the eroded Zoophycos and Thalassinoides. This study shows that the sedimentary expression of the Jenkyns Event is not uniform across Tunisia, supporting the importance of local conditions in determining the development of anoxic conditions.

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