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The Solan Field is a Jurassic reservoired oil accumulation located in Block 205/26a in the East Solan Basin, West of Shetland. The field was discovered in 1991 by the 205/26a-4 well which encountered oil in the Kimmeridgian to Early Volgian age Solan Sandstone and appraised between 1992 and 2009 by four wells and four sidetracks. Premier Oil farmed into Licence P.164 in 2011 and became operator.

The reservoir, which is up to 100 ft thick, is a basin-floor turbidite sequence and is informally subdivided into a thick and good quality Upper Solan sandstone unit and a thinner, poorer quality, Lower Solan sandstone unit, separated by the laterally extensive Middle Solan unit. Whilst the reservoir sandstones are relatively clean (texturally and compositionally mature) and laterally extensive, sub-seismic structural and stratigraphic complexity resulted in a challenging field development.

The field development to date comprises four subsea wells (two oil producers and two water injectors) tied back to a small jacket and topsides with an innovative subsea oil storage tank. Oil export is via shuttle tanker. First oil was achieved in April 2016. The field oil in place volume is in the range of 55–85 MMbbl.

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