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The Rosebank Field is located primarily in Block 213/27a in the Faroe–Shetland Basin, c. 130 km west of the Shetland Islands in water depths of c. 1100 m (3600 ft). Hydrocarbons are trapped within an elongate, SW–NE-trending four-way anticlinal structure. The principal Colsay Sandstone Member reservoir consists of several vertically stacked, Late Paleocene to Early Eocene fluvial and deltaic reservoirs separated by volcanic sequences. Well log and core data indicate that reservoir quality is high, with porosities in the range of 19–23% and average permeability of c. 3 D. Oil quality is also high, with average oil gravity of 37°API and in-situ viscosity of c. 1 cP at a mean reservoir temperature of 175°F. The field holds a substantial resource and is currently under evaluation for development.

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