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The Forties Field, discovered by BP in 1970, is the largest oilfield on the UK Continental Shelf. It is trapped in a simple four-way dip closure, with a Paleocene turbidite sandstone reservoir. The Forties Field originally contained between 4.2 and 5 billion bbl of oil, with 2.75 billion bbl produced to June 2017. Production has been supported by water injection and the influx of a regional aquifer. The original development contained equally spaced producers with peripheral injectors. As the field matured, production was concentrated in the crestal parts of the field with injectors tending to be moved upflank. With the development of seismic lithology prediction and fluid detection, together with 4D seismic technology, it became possible in the late 1990s to target bypassed oil in unexpected locations throughout the field. In 2003, BP sold the field to Apache who were able to rejuvenate production, adding over 170 MMbbl oil reserves, with an extended drilling campaign targeting bypassed pay identified using seismic technologies. Production at the Forties facility has been further enhanced by the development of four satellite oilfields, Bacchus (Jurassic reservoir), Brimmond, Maule and Tonto (Eocene reservoirs), together with Aviat (Pleistocene reservoir) produced for fuel gas supply.

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