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Several archaeological baked clay structures from Bulgarian Neolithic sites were archaeomagnetically studied. According to the ancient firing conditions, the collected materials are dwelling remains and ovens with different heating histories. The variability of magnetic properties is greater in the burnt dwelling remains compared to the ovens. The prevailing magnetic minerals are magnetite/titanomagnetite and epsilon iron oxide. Less often, the presence of hematite is suggested. For one of the ovens, a well-pronounced evolution in magnetic properties was observed between its successive levels. The collected materials possess stable magnetic mineralogy and the success rate of archaeointensity determination experiment is 84%. The experiment completely failed only for the structure where epsilon iron oxide is not identified and where the lowest median destructive fields are determined.

The obtained archaeomagnetic results are summarized as 10 new reference points. The structures subjected to the same firing event are combined as one feature. Their dating is based on well-established relative Neolithic chronology and stratigraphic constraints. The new data coincide fairly well with the Bulgarian dataset and with the data available for the neighbouring countries, confirming an intensity maximum around 5550 BC and a minimum around 5400 BC. No indications of geomagnetic ‘spikes’ or ‘jerks’ are detected.

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