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Mudrocks are highly heterogeneous in a range of physical and chemical properties, including: porosity and permeability, fissility, colour, particle composition, size, orientation, carbon loading, degree of compaction, and diagenetic overprint. It is therefore important that the maximum information be extracted as efficiently and completely as possible. This can be accomplished through high-resolution analysis of polished thin sections by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), with the collection of large-area images and X-ray elemental map montages, and the application of targeted particle analysis. A workflow model, based on these techniques, for the digitization of mudrocks is presented herein. A range of the data that can be collected and the variety of analyses that can be achieved are also illustrated. Data collection is discussed in terms of inherent problems with acquisition, storage, transfer and manipulation, which can be time-consuming and non-trivial. Similar information and resolutions can be achieved through other techniques, such as QEMSCAN and infra-red (IR)/Raman spectroscopic mapping. These can be seen as complementary to the workflow described herein.

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