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The application of production geochemistry techniques has been shown to provide abundant and often low-cost high-value fluid information that helps to maximize and safeguard production. Critical aspects to providing successful data relate to the appropriate sampling strategy and sampling selection which are generally project-aim-specific. In addition, the continuous direct integration of the production geochemistry data with subsurface and surface understanding is pivotal. Examples from two specific areas have been presented including: (a) the effective use of IsoTubes in the production realm; and (b) the application of geochemical fingerprinting primarily based on multidimensional gas chromatography. Mud gas stable carbon isotopes from low-cost IsoTubes have been shown to be very effective in recognizing within-well fluid compartments, as well as recognizing specific hydrocarbon seals in overburden section, including the selective partial seal for only C2+ gas species. With respect to geochemical fingerprinting, examples have been presented related to reservoir surveillance including compartmentalization, lateral and vertical connectivity, as well as fluid movements and fault/baffle breakthrough. The production-related examples focus on fluid allocation within a single well, as well as on its application for pipeline residence times, fluid identification and well testing.

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