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The main metallic mineral resources of New Caledonia are hosted by the obducted Peridotite Nappe. Ni, Co, Cr and the Pt group elements (PGEs) are specific to this ultramafic terrane. Cr, as podiform chromitite in the uppermost mantle, is the only hypogene metal mined economically in the past. The largest chromitite deposits are located in the lherzolitic Tiébaghi Massif. Supergene Ni and Co deposits are concentrated by the tropical climate that has prevailed since the Miocene. New Caledonian lateritic Ni deposits account for 10% of the global Ni resources. Hydrous Mg silicate and oxide types coexist in a single deposit. A local genetic model based on geomorphological evolution is proposed. Sc is a prospective resource associated with these supergene deposits. The PGEs are a prospective resource associated with chromite, with potential in the hypogene, supergene and fluvio-littoral domains. Pt and Pd are the most significant elements. The transition zone between the upper mantle and crustal cumulates constitutes a regional Pt–Pd-enriched horizon. The concentrations are related to small disseminated chromite lenses in a pyroxene-rich lithology. The PGEs are concentrated in weathering profiles. The value of chromite-rich sands as placers or sand beach deposits might be enhanced by the occurrences of PGEs.

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