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The 1.1–0.9 Ga Sveconorwegian orogen in southwestern Scandinavia belongs to the global system of mountain belts established during the assembly of the supercontinent Rodinia. An overall north–south structural trend and five lithotectonic units bounded by crustal-scale shear zones characterize this orogen. In Sweden, the Eastern Segment abuts the orogen's cratonic foreland eastwards and is separated from the Idefjorden terrane westwards by a ductile shear zone, up to 5 km thick, displaying a sinistral transpressive component. These two lithotectonic units differ on the basis of their pre-Sveconorwegian accretionary tectonic evolution, and the timing of Sveconorwegian high-pressure metamorphism, anatexis and polyphase deformation. High-pressure granulites and migmatites formed at c. 1.05–1.02 Ga in the Idefjorden terrane; eclogites, high-pressure granulites and migmatites at c. 0.99–0.95 Ga in the Eastern Segment. Magmatic activity and crustal extension progressed westwards at c. 0.98–0.92 Ga. Prior to or at 0.93–0.91 Ga, greenschist facies shear deformation with top-to-the-foreland movement affected the frontal part of the orogen. Geodynamic uncertainties concern the affinity of the Idefjorden terrane relative to Fennoscandia (Baltica), the character of the Sveconorwegian orogenesis, and the contiguous or non-contiguous nature of the erosional fronts of the late Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic orogens in Sweden and Canada.

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