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On the 50th anniversary of the publication of the book Folding and Fracturing of Rocks by John G. Ramsay we use an analysis of citations to assess the book's impact on research in the field of structural geology. Five topics dealt with in the book have had special success in terms of the number of citations: (1) superimposed folding; (2) fold classification based on layer thickness variation; (3) simple shear deformation; (4) the Rf/φ method; and (5) the flexural-slip mechanism of folding. The great impact of this book can be seen in several examples where the book has inspired new lines of research, such as: progressive deformation, strain analysis, shear zones and folding analysis. Ramsay's great merit in writing his book was to have wisely known to apply the quantitative methodology of continuum mechanics to the analysis of the geological structures. We conclude that Folding and Fracturing of Rocks is the most influential textbook in the field of structural geology research.

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