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The inversion of a sedimentary basin could be associated with compressional reactivation of basin-forming normal faults, upwards movement of the basement blocks and partial or complete erosion of its sedimentary infill. Basin inversion might be also related to whole-basin uplift that is not linked to the reactivation of basement faults, and results in the development of regional stratigraphic gaps and unconformities. Both types of basin inversion have been documented in SE Poland using seismic data. Regional NW–SE seismic profiles illustrate earliest Late Jurassic (earliest Oxfordian) and earliest Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) regional unconformities related to regional basin-scale uplifts in the SE segment of the Polish Basin. Late Cretaceous (Turonian?–Maastrichtian) progressive uplift of the Mid-Polish Swell has been documented along the NE border zone of this regional anticlinal structure. The Upper Cretaceous inversion-related sedimentary succession is characterized by an overall progradational character directed from the SW towards the NE. Buried contourite drifts that were detected within the Upper Cretaceous succession using seismic data indicate the existence of contour currents encircling inversion-related intrabasinal morphological barriers. A new tectonic scenario of the Mesozoic evolution of SE Poland would have a significant impact on the modelling of tectonic subsidence and the history of petroleum systems.

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