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A classical Upper Jurassic fault block in the North Sea, the Fulla Structure, has Brent Group sandstones with good reservoir quality and apparently insignificant fault-related reservoir damage. Core data show high-porous sandstones that extend close to the main faults and there is no evidence of catalase, only of soft-sedimentary deformation. Shear bands are relatively thin with high offsets, and have a texture comparable to the wall rock. To investigate the deformation mechanism and products synthetic Brent Group sands are deformed in a triaxial plane strain box with pre-defined effective consolidation in the range of 100–8000 kPa, simulating a burial depth in the range of 10–800 m. This range covers the burial depth at the time of active faulting for most Jurassic traps in the North Sea, including the Fulla Structure. The experiments demonstrate that grain rolling and grain-boundary sliding are the dominant deformation mechanisms at all the simulated burial depths, and this deformation has no impact on the reservoir quality. The experiments concur with observations from the investigated wells and strengthen an interpretation of limited reservoir damage associated with the Late Jurassic fault activity.

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