Large Igneous Provinces from Gondwana and Adjacent Regions

Gondwana Large Igneous Provinces: plate reconstructions, volcanic basins and sill volumes
Published:January 01, 2018
H. H. Svensen, T. H. Torsvik, S. Callegaro, L. Augland, T. H. Heimdal, D. A. Jerram, S. Planke, E. Pereira, 2018. "Gondwana Large Igneous Provinces: plate reconstructions, volcanic basins and sill volumes", Large Igneous Provinces from Gondwana and Adjacent Regions, S. Sensarma, B. C. Storey
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Gondwana was an enormous supertarrane. At its peak, it represented a landmass of about 100 × 106 km2 in size, corresponding to approximately 64% of all land areas today. Gondwana assembled in the Middle Cambrian, merged with Laurussia to form Pangea in the Carboniferous, and finally disintegrated with the separation of East and West Gondwana at about 170 Ma, and the separation of Africa and South America around 130 Ma. Here we have updated plate reconstructions from Gondwana history, with a special emphasis on the interactions between the continental crust of Gondwana and the mantle plumes resulting in Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) at its surface. Moreover, we present an overview of the subvolcanic parts of the Gondwana LIPs (Kalkarindji, Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Karoo and the Paraná–Etendeka) aimed at summarizing our current understanding of timings, scale and impact of these provinces. The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) reveals a conservative volume estimate of 700 000 km3 of subvolcanic intrusions, emplaced in the Brazilian sedimentary basins (58–66% of the total CAMP sill volume). The detailed evolution and melt-flux estimates for the CAMP and Gondwana-related LIPs are, however, poorly constrained, as they are not yet sufficiently explored with high-precision U–Pb geochronology.
- Africa
- Antarctica
- Australasia
- Australia
- basins
- Brazil
- Central Atlantic magmatic province
- continental crust
- crust
- dikes
- emplacement
- Ferrar Group
- Gondwana
- igneous rocks
- intrusions
- Jurassic
- Karoo Basin
- Karoo Supergroup
- large igneous provinces
- mantle
- mantle plumes
- Mesozoic
- Namibia
- Pangaea
- Parana Basin
- plate tectonics
- plates
- plutonic rocks
- reconstruction
- sedimentary basins
- sills
- South America
- Southern Africa
- Victoria Land
- volcanic rocks
- volcanism
- volcanoes
- volume
- Etendeka
- Kalkarindji large igneous province
- Parana-Etendeka large igneous province