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The Kyzylkum and south Nuratau areas of Central Uzbekistan form the westernmost parts of the Tien Shan and contain rare outcrops of Cretaceous rocks that were deposited along the northern margin of the Amu Darya Basin. The succession can be subdivided into 18 clastic and carbonate facies, and these were deposited in a series of contrasting depositional environments from Aptian through to Maastrichtian times. Broadly, the region comprised a coastal–marine transitional zone, with the coastline advancing and retreating over time, these changes being related to major marine incursions to the east (as far as the Tarim Basin). Tectonic activity along the basin margin, with subsequent uplift of parts of the mosaic of boundary blocks, most probably influenced the development of coeval clastic/carbonate successions in the late Cretaceous.

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