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Based on 11 sections, the palaeoenvironments and depositional history of the NW Afghan–Tajik Basin in southern Uzbekistan have been reconstructed for the time interval of the Early Jurassic–Early Callovian. The earliest sediments, resting on Palaeozoic basement rocks, date from the Early Jurassic Period. Up to the end of the Early Bajocian time, more than 500 m of non-marine sediments accumulated as a result of extensional tectonics inducing active subsidence. In the Late Bajocian time interval, transgression led to the establishment of siliciclastic ramps that were influenced by storm processes. After a condensed unit in the Middle Bathonian, sedimentation resumed in an outer carbonate ramp–basinal setting as the subsidence rate outpaced the diminished siliciclastic sediment supply. The change from siliciclastic to carbonate sedimentation in the Middle Jurassic Period is thought to be multifactorial, reflecting levelling of relief in the hinterland, the subsidence moving to a thermally more quiet stage and a change from humid to arid climatic conditions. These features are also observed in the area of present-day Iran. Similarly, the timing of the transgression coincides with that in eastern and northern Iran, stressing the regional significance of this event.

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