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Sir Arthur Smith Woodward published many scientific works on fossil fishes from Brazil, among them the description of 14 new species and the redefinition of two lectotypes. This paper provides an illustrated, taxonomic update on the following taxa, together with comments on their repository and other relevant remarks: Lissodus nitidus (Woodward, 1888), Rhinoptera prisca Woodward, 1907, ‘Lepidotesmawsoni Woodward, 1888, ‘Lepidotessouzai Woodward, 1908a, Calamopleurus mawsoni (Woodward, 1902), ‘Belonostomuscarinatus Mawson & Woodward, 1907, Paleopiquitinga brasiliensis (Woodward, 1939), Lignobrycon ligniticus (Woodward, 1898), Brycon avus (Woodward, 1898), Steindachneridion iheringi (Woodward, 1898), Scombroclupeoides scutata (Woodward, 1908a), Macracara prisca Woodward, 1939, Mawsonia gigas Woodward, 1907, Mawsonia minor Woodward, 1908a; Vinctifer comptoni (Agassiz, 1841) and Notelops brama (Agassiz, 1841).

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