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Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic metasediments overlie the Archaean granitoid pluton of the Singhbhum Craton in east India. Relatively little is known about the Archaean metasediments, but they comprise several conglomerates in the state of Jharkhand. Their age is most probably Mesoarchaean, possibly earliest Neoarchaean. They occur at separate localities and their exposures commonly consist of scattered patches with a limited extent. Their interrelationships are consequently poorly known. Sedimentological analysis of their structure, architecture and clast composition suggests that most of them represent individual occurrences that partly have been largely eroded away. Other occurrences must have had a limited extent from the very beginning. The various conglomerates were deposited in different environments. Some represent braided or meandering fluvial environments, whereas others seem to have been deposited by mass flows with different degrees of viscosity, possibly mainly on alluvial fans.

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